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Shopify Connector

Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that allows individuals and businesses to create their online stores and sell products or services.

Shopify Connector facilitates the seamless ingestion of blogs from the Shopify application.

Shopify Connector Specifications

Type of Repository Cloud
Content Supported Blog Articles
RACL Support No
Content Filtering No


  • Admin account on Shopify

Shopify Configuration

Search AI interacts with the Shopify application through Shopify Admin APIs. To enable this communication, set up an app on Shopify. Follow the steps listed below.

  • Login to the Shopify admin portal.
  • Go to Apps and Sales Channels.
  • Click on Develop apps and create an app.
  • Provide the name and other details of the app.
  • Enable the following admin scopes and click Save.
    • read_content
  • Go to the API Credentials tab and Install app to generate an access token. This token is used to configure the Search AI connector.

Shopify Connector Config in Search AI

Go to the Auth page for the connector and provide the following details.

  • Name - Unique name for the connector
  • Store Host URL - URL of the Shopify account.
  • Admin API access token - Provide the access token generated in the Shopify app.

Click Connect to initiate the authentication and connection process.

Content Ingestion

The Shopify connector is designed to ingest blog articles from your Shopify account seamlessly. Please note that only the articles published or visible at the time of sync are ingested into the Search AI app, ensuring that only accessible content is utilized for search functionalities. If the visibility status of an article is updated after the sync, the changes will reflect in Search AI only after the next sync.

The content field in the ingested document contains the textual content of the blog, while the metadata like author, labels, and URL are captured in specific fields.