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GitLab connector

GitLab is a DevOps platform used for version control, CI/CD, and collaborative software development. It is also used for issue tracking and management. To search through the issues tracked by the GitLab account, use Search AI.

Search AI is an efficient tool that allows users to locate specific issues quickly, saving time.


Type of Repository Cloud
Supported Content Issues
RACL Support Yes
Content Filtering No

Authorization Support

Search AI interacts with the GitLab using APIs. It supports the following types of authorizations.

  • OAuth 2.0
  • Using Personal Access Tokens.

Prerequisites - Set up GitLab

Login to the GitLab account. Depending on the type of authorization required, please perform one of the following actions.

Configure Search AI

Create a new connector for GitLab in Search AI and provide the following configuration fields.

  • Name - Provide a unique name for the connector.
  • Authorization Type - Provide the API token generated above. If the Auth type is set to Private Token, provide the Personal Access Token here. If the auth type is set to OAuth 2.0, provide the client credentials and access tokens.

There are some other optional fields that are used to map the GitLab content to the ingested content. Currently, Search AI supports only the default fields. Hence, it is not mandatory to provide the other fields.

Click Connect to sync the content from GitLab.

RACL Support

For the GitLab connector, all the ingested content is associated with the project to which it belongs. Hence, sys_racl field is also set to projectId. A permission entity is created corresponding to each projectID. Use the Permission Entity APIs to associate users with this permission entity to enable access to the content.