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Functions for the BotKit SDK

The BotKit SDK provides functions that you can use for greater control of your assistant and provide a better user experience. \ The following functions are supported by the BotKit SDK.


This function sends the message to the user.

Usage Used inside the on_bot_message event callback. An on_bot_message event is called when the bot sends the reply to the user. In the SDK, payload data such as message can be modified and sent to the XO Platform.


sdk.sendUserMessage(payload, callback)

Parameters: * payload – A JSON response payload as follows:

   "message":"Spell-corrected message sent by the assistant to the user",
   "originalMessage":"Original message sent by the assistant to the user",
   "taskId":"Dialog task ID",
   "nodeId":"Current node ID in the dialog flow",
   "channel":"Channel name",
   "context": <context object>
The above message payload is when the user language is detected and the spell correction is done. In case the user language is not detected then the following would be the message structure

   "message":"Original message sent by the assistant to the user",
   "originalMessage":"Original message sent by the assistant to the user",
   "languageInfo": {
        "currentLanguage": "current user language",
        "detectedLanguages": [
            "language detected 1",
            "language detected 2"
        "spellCorrectedInput": [
            "language 1": "spell correction in language 1",
            "language 2": "spell correction in language 2"
  • callback – The function to call at event completion used to send the updated message and context back to the XO Platform.

Examples: The following code snippet shows an example of the sdk.sendUserMessage function returning an error to the user.

return sdk.sendUserMessage(payload, function(err){
       console.log("err", err)});

In the following code example, the initial message to a user is displayed when a user switches to a Live Agent.

   formdata.welcome_message = "";
    var visitorId = _.get(payload, 'channel.channelInfos.from');
    if (!visitorId) {
        visitorId = _.get(payload, 'channel.from');
    visitorId = payload.context.session.UserContext._id;
    userDataMap[visitorId] = payload;
    data.message = "An Agent will be assigned to you shortly!!!";
    sdk.sendUserMessage(payload, callback);

In the next code example, the message sent to the user with the sdk.sendUserMessage function is based on user selection for converting currency. The isTemplate parameter determines if custom or default message formatting should be used.

   on_user_message : function(requestId, payload, callback) {
        message = payload.message.toLowerCase();console.log("MESSAGE",payload.message);
        //payload .context.session.BotContext.currency = "koko";
        if ( message == "Yes" || message == "yes")
            var overrideMessagePayload = {
                body : " Enter the currency code for which the amount will be converted",
                isTemplate :false
            data.overrideMessagePayload = overrideMessagePayload;
            currCode = true;
            return sdk.sendUserMessage(payload);
        else if ( message == "No" || message == "no" )
            var overrideMessagePayload = {
                body : "Ok, Enter the country name so that I can fetch it on your behalf",
                isTemplate :false
            payload.overrideMessagePayload = overrideMessagePayload;
            countryname = true;
            return sdk.sendUserMessage(payload);

Post the release of ver8.0 of the Platform, you can add User, Message, and Session Meta Tags. The following would be the syntax for the necessary payload:



This function sends the message to the assistant.

Usage Used inside the on_user_message event callback. An on_user_message event is called when the user sends a message to the assistant. In the SDK, payload data such as message can be modified and sent to the XO Platform. A validation check is performed on the user message – the message cannot have more than 3000 characters and each word cannot have more than 1200 letters.


sdk.sendBotMessage(payload, callback)


  • payload – A JSON response payload as follows:

    "message":"Message sent by the user",
    "channel":"Channel name",
    "context": <context object>
  • callback – The function to call at event completion used to send the updated message and context back to the XO Platform.

Examples The following code snippet send the user response to the assistant.

   on_user_message: function(requestId, payload, callback) {
        sdk.sendBotMessage(payload, callback);

In this on_user_message function, the message is returned directly to the user, and if not a transfer to a Live Agent, then is sent to the assistant.

   on_user_message: function(requestId, payload, callback) {
        if (payload.message === "Hi") {
            payload.message = "Hello";
            //Sends back 'Hello' to user.
            return sdk.sendUserMessage(payload, callback);
        } else if (!payload.agent_transfer) {
            //Forward the message to bot
            return sdk.sendBotMessage(payload, callback);
        } else {
            payload.message = "Agent Message";
            return sdk.sendUserMessage(payload, callback);

Post the release of ver8.0 of the Platform, you can add User, Message, and Session Meta Tags. The following would be the syntax for the necessary payload:



This function prepares the asynchronous response to send to the XO Platform.

Usage If the dialog task execution flow reaches a webhook node, the XO Platform makes an on_webhook event call to the SDK. The on_webhook event call supports two types of responses:

  • Synchronous response – If the business logic execution can be completed within an acceptable time, the SDK can respond synchronously using the callback(null, payload) function.
  • Asynchronous response – If the business logic execution needs more time, the SDK can send the asynchronous response to the XO Platform by calling the callback(null, new sdk.AsyncResponse()) function to send an HTTP code 202 to the XO Platform. When the response is ready, the SDK can call the sdk.respondToHook(payload) function.


callback(null, new sdk.AsyncResponse())

Parameters: None.

Examples This example of an on_webhook function, the assistant waits asynchronously for the booking of the cab selected by the user.

on_webhook : function(requestId, payload, componentName, callback) {
        var context = payload.context;
        if (componentName === 'FindNearbyCabs') {
                .then(function(cabList) {
                    context.cabList = cabList;
                    callback(null, data);
        } else if (componentName === 'BookTheCab') {
            sdk.saveData(requestId, payload)
                .then(function() {
                    bookTheCab(requestId,, context.session.UserSession.location, context.entities.whereTo);
                    callback(null, new sdk.AsyncResponse());


This function sends the webhook response to the XO Platform.

Usage If the dialog task execution flow reaches a webhook node, the XO Platform makes an on_webhook event call to the SDK. The on_webhook event call supports two types of responses:

  • Synchronous response – If the business logic execution can be completed within an acceptable time, the SDK can respond synchronously using the callback(null, payload) function.
  • Asynchronous response – If the business logic execution needs more time, the SDK can send the asynchronous response to the XO Platform by calling the callback(null, new sdk.AsyncResponse()) function to send an HTTP code 202 to the XO Platform. When the response is ready, the SDK can call the sdk.respondToHook(payload) function.



Parameters: * payload – A JSON response payload as follows:

   "taskId":"Dialog task ID",
   "nodeId":"Current node ID in the dialog flow",
   "channel":"Channel name",
   "context": <context object>

Examples In the following code snippet, if the booking of the cab fails, the event is handled synchronously. Conversely, the booking of the cab is handled asynchronously via a webhook.

function onBookingFailure(requestId) {
        .then(function(payload) {
            payload.context.successful = false;
//call cabBookingService with the requestId. This service is expected to respond asynchronously.
//'requestId' must be passed along all asynchronous flows, to allow the BotKit to respond
// back to the hook once the async process is completed.
function bookTheCab(requestId, cabId, userLoc, destination) {
    cabBookingService(requestId, cabId, userLoc, destination, {
        on_success: onBookingSuccess,
        on_failure: onBookingFailure


This function registers the bot and makes callback events available at runtime.

Usage The BotKit SDK is designed to require you to create one Node.js file for each VA. All callbacks for that assistant are maintained in the Node.js file. To register a VA, you must export the following variables and functions as:

module.exports = {
      botId : "xxxxx",
      botName : ""xxxxx",
      on_user_message : function(requestId, data, callback) {
           //code goes here
      on_bot_message : function(requestId, data, componentName, callback) {
           //code goes here
     on_webhook : function(requestId, data, componentName, callback) {
           //code goes here

Syntax: To register the assistant, call

sdk.registerBot(require('./<Bot Name>.js'));

Parameters: * Node.js file for the assistant to register

Examples The following code example shows registration of the assistant by botId and botName.

module.exports = {
    botId : botId,
    botName : botName,
    on_user_message : function(requestId, payload, callback) {
        onUserMessage(requestId, payload, callback);
    on_bot_message : function(requestId, payload, callback) {
        onBotMessage(requestId, payload, callback);
    on_agent_transfer : function(requestId, payload, callback) { console.log("on agent transfer event");
        onAgentTransfer(requestId, payload, callback);
    gethistory: gethistory


This function saves the data in the Redis in-memory data structure store.

Usage When you respond to an on_webhook event call asynchronously, you can store the payload in the Redis store by requestId. After completion of your business logic execution, you can read the data using the sdk.getSavedData(requestId)function while preparing the webhook response.


sdk.saveData(requestId, payload)

Parameters: * requestId – The requestId from the asynchronous on_webhook event call. * payload – A JSON response payload as follows:

   "taskId":"Dialog task ID",
   "nodeId":"Current node ID in the dialog flow",
   "channel":"Channel name",
   "context": <context object>

Examples In this on_webhook event, the user request to book a cab is saved in the Redis store and the asynchronous processing of the booking begins.

on_webhook : function(requestId, payload, componentId, callback) {
        var context = data.context;
        if (componentId === 'FindNearbyCabs') {
                .then(function(cabList) {
                    context.cabList = cabList;
                    callback(null, payload);
        } else if (componentName === 'BookTheCab') {
            sdk.saveData(requestId, payload)
                .then(function() {
                    //Assuming the cab booking was successful. A mock service to book the cab can be called here.
                    payload.successful = 'true';
                    payload.bookedCab = context.entities.selectedCab || {};
                    callback(null, payload);


This function reads the data in the Redis in-memory data structure store.

Usage When you respond to an on_webhook event call asynchronously, you can store the payload in the Redis store by requestId. After completion of your business logic execution, you can read the data using the sdk.getSavedData(requestId)function while preparing the webhook response.


sdk.getSavedData(requestId, payload)


  • requestId – The requestId from the asynchronous on_webhook event call.
  • payload – A JSON response payload as follows:
       "taskId":"Dialog task ID",
       "nodeId":"Current node ID in the dialog flow",
       "channel":"Channel name",
       "context": <context object>

Examples In this code example, the sdk.getSavedData function is used to return the selected cab and booking information, or if the asynchronous booking webhook event fails, sends the failure message for the selected booking to the user.

 * Responds to the webhook asynchronously with the success flag.
function onBookingSuccess(requestId) {
        .then(function(payload) {
            payload.context.bookedCab = payload.entities.selectedCab;
            payload.context.successful = true;
function onBookingFailure(requestId) {
        .then(function(payload) {
            payload.context.successful = false;


This function is used to get the transcript of previous conversations between the assistant and the user. It works similar to the public API Conversation History (see here for Conversation History API)

Usage Fetches the conversational messages between the assistant and user in reverse chronological order. This API supports pagination. You can provide offset/skip and limit to get a certain number of messages at a time.


sdk.getMessages(requestData, callback)


  • requestData – requestData.baseUrl + '/getMessages?' + "skip=" + offset + "&limit=" + limit + "&userId=" + userId+"&channelType"=channel-type, where
    • stream_id – Bot ID accessible from the Config Settings page of the XO Platform
    • user_id – The ID of the user whose conversation history to access
    • skip – The number of messages to be skipped.
    • limit – The number of messages to be shown on each page.
    • channelType – Optional, the channel where the conversation was hosted.
  • callback – The function to call at event completion used to send the message history back to the XO Platform.


//this example is from the LiveChat.js
//where the gethistory() function uses getMessage() to extract the messages
    var userId = req.query.userId;
    var data = userDataMap[userId];
    if(data) {
        data.limit = 100;
        return sdk.getMessages(data, function(err, resp){
                return res.json(err);
            var messages = resp.messages;
            return res.json(messages);


This function is used to clear the Agent session and reestablish the conversation with the assistant.

Usage In an Agent Transfer scenario, when the agent closes the conversation with the user, chat_closed event gets triggered from 3rd party provider. In such situations, this function is invoked to re-establish the conversation with the assistant


sdk.clearAgentSession(requestData, callback)


  • requestData – requestData.baseUrl+ '/clearAgentSession/' + requestData.requestId, where
    • requestId – the session id
  • callback – The function to call at event completion.


//this example is from the LiveChat.js
//where the function is invoked to clear agent session when the chat is closed by the user
    if (event.type==="chat_closed"){
       delete userResponseDataMap[visitorId];
       delete _map[visitorId];

Post the release of ver8.0 of the Platform, you can add User, Message, and Session Meta Tags. The following would be the syntax for the necessary payload:



This function is used to notify the Platform that an Agent session has started.

Usage This function is used when an Agent Transfer is initiated and you want to indicate to the assistant that the agent transfer is in progress. Followed by this, the data object received by BotKit at onMessages(), for instance, would have agent session as true. Further, if the sdk.clearAgentSession is called from BotKit, the Platform is notified that agent session is completed and the data object received by the BotKit would have the agent session set to false.


sdk.startAgentSession(requestData, callback)

Parameters: * requestData – as follows: \ requestData.baseUrl + '/startAgentSession/' + requestData.requestId \where * requestId – the session id * callback – The function to call at event completion.


//The following function call is used in the LiveChat.js for connectToAgent() function
//Invoking the startAgentSession before invoking the initChat function will ensure that
// the assistant detects the Agent transfer in progress
function connectToAgent(requestId, data, cb) {
    var formdata = {};
    formdata.licence_id = config.liveagentlicense;
    formdata.welcome_message = "";
    var visitorId = _.get(data, 'channel.channelInfos.from');
    if (!visitorId) {
        visitorId = _.get(data, 'channel.from');
    userDataMap[visitorId] = data;
    data.message = "An Agent will be assigned to you shortly!!!";
    sdk.sendUserMessage(data, cb);
    sdk.startAgentSession(data, cb);
    formdata.welcome_message = "Link for user Chat history with the assistant: " + + "/history/index.html?visitorId=" + visitorId;
    return api.initChat(visitorId, formdata)
        .then(function(res) {
            _map[visitorId] = {
                secured_session_id: res.secured_session_id,
                visitorId: visitorId,
                last_message_id: 0

Post the release of ver8.0 of the Platform, you can add User, Message, and Session Meta Tags. The following would be the syntax for the necessary payload:



This function is used to clear the context and discard the current task silently.

Usage At run time, during the execution of dialog, if the user input might want to clear the assistant using “reset bot” command. Then the context can be cleared and the task discarded.


sdk.resetBot(requestData, callback)


  • requestData – requestData.resetBotUrl
  • callback – The function to call at event completion.


on_user_message : function(requestId, data, callback) {
     if (data.message==="reset bot"){
        sdk.resetBot(data, callback);


This function is used to extend the time allocated for botKit to send messages to the Platform.

Usage This function is used when an Agent Transfer is initiated and after sometime Platform might not be receiving messages. This can be addressed by extending the time allocated for the botKit to send messages to the Platform.


sdk.extendRequestId(requestData, callback)


function onBotMessage(requestId, data, cb) {
    console.log("bot message", JSON.stringify(data));
    var visitorId = _.get(data, 'channel.from');
    event = schedular.scheduleJob("*/4 * * * *", function() {
        pub.get(visitorId + ':data', function(err, reply) {
            if (err) throw err;
            sdk.extendRequestId(data, cb);
on_user_message: function(requestId, data, callback) {
        var visitorId = _.get(data, 'channel.from');
        registerEvent(visitorId, data);
        if (event) {
        } else {
            console.log(new Date(), 'event not found');
        event = schedular.scheduleJob("*/4 * * * *", function() {
            pub.get(visitorId + ':data', function(err, reply) {
                if (err) throw err;
                sdk.extendRequestId(data, callback);


Extending the time will not be effective in case of no active conversation for a period of 15 minutes. An inactive session would cause the agent_transfer mode to be reset irrespective.


This function is used to skip a specific message for a specific business use case.


At run time, during the execution of dialog, instead of waiting for the BotKit to send a message to proceed, the system will proceed to the next step.


sdk.skipBotMessage(requestData, callback)


  • requestData – data
  • callback – The function to call at event completion.


if(data.message === "skipBotMessage"){ // condition for skipping a Bot message
    sdk.skipBotMessage(data, cb);

Post the release of ver8.0 of the Platform, you can add User, Message, and Session Meta Tags. The following would be the syntax for the necessary payload:



This function is used to skip a specific message for a specific business use case.

Usage At run time, during the execution of dialog, instead of waiting for the BotKit to send a confirmation message to proceed, the system will proceed with the next step.


sdk.skipUserMessage(requestData, callback)

Parameters: * requestData – data * callback – The function to call at event completion.


if(data.message === "skipUserMessage"){ // condition for skipping a user message
    sdk.skipUserMessage(data, cb);

Post the release of ver8.0 of the Platform, you can add User, Message, and Session Meta Tags. The following would be the syntax for the necessary payload:



This function is used to close a conversation session.


sdk.closeConversationSession(requestData, callback)

  • requestData – data
  • callback – The function to call at event completion.


if(data.message === "closeConversationSession"){ // condition for skipping a user message
    sdk.closeConversationSession(data, cb);

Post the release of ver8.0 of the Platform, you can add User, Message, and Session Meta Tags. The following would be the syntax for the necessary payload:
