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SDK Configuration

To enable your VA to communicate between your application servers and servers, you need to create and register an app in VA Builder that specifies the callback URL for your application and generates the Client ID and the Client Secret authentication tokens required for secure communications between your application and any Bots in your developer account.

This topic describes how to create an app and generate registration credentials when using the SDK.

To access webhooks and messages in Dialog tasks, you need to subscribe to an app for your VA. All messages from the VA and user are sent to the SDK as message events. When a Webhook node is defined in a Dialog task, the Webhook event is sent to the SDK at runtime. You must install, host, and configure the SDK in your network to allow communications between the VA event messages and webhooks, and your application.

To create an app

  1. Navigate to Settings > Dev Tools > App Kit.

    App Kit page

  2. On the App Kit page, click the Add button next to the JWT App drop-down list. The Create JWT App dialog opens.

    1. In the JWT App field, enter the name of the app registration, for example, TestApp.
    2. From the JWT Signing Algorithms Used For Client App Authentication dropdown, select a signing algorithm (preferably HS256 or HS512) and then click Next.

    Create JWT App

  3. The App Created Successfully message appears along with the Client ID and the Client Secret. Click Done.

    Client ID and Client Secret

  4. The following fields appear:

    1. The names of App and VA.
    2. The Client ID and Client Secret.
    3. The Callback URL field. Enter the URL for the application to which you want to push data. For example,
    4. The Events section. Select one or more of:
      1. OnMessage – Triggers an event when a message from a user is received.
      2. OnHookNode – Triggers an event when a WebHook node is encountered in the Dialog task flow.
      3. onEvent – Triggers an event every time a Dialog or FAQ is finished.
      4. onAlert – Triggers an event when the user receives an alert message.
      5. onVariableUpdate – Triggers an event when the VA is published

    App details

  5. Click Save.

The new app registration, along with details, is displayed in the App Kit section when you select the app name from the JWT App dropdown.