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SDK App Registration

This topic describes how to register your application and generate credentials for your clients that are required to exchange messages between your application and the XO Platform.

When you register your app, you will need to select a security algorithm:

  • HS256 / HS512 – XO Platform generates and displays the Client ID and Client Secret necessary to generate the JWT token from your server.
  • RS256 / RS512– Upload your public key to the platform and use the private key to generate the signature from your server.

To register an app:

  1. Open the assistant that you are working with.
  2. From the App Settings menu, go to Dev Tools > Web/Mobile SDK.
  3. In the App Name drop-down list, select your existing app registration or click Create App to create a new app. SDK Home

  4. Enter the details of your application. Create a new app

    • In the Bot Name field, enter the name for the app registration used in Bot Builder. For example, weather app.
    • In the JWT Signing Algorithms Used For Client App Authentication drop-down list, select one of the following security algorithms:
      1. RS256/RS512: Select to enable the Public Key. The Private key, used for encryption, is provided by the user, and the Public key, used for decryption, is provided by the Platform. Both the keys have to be used for generating the token. The Public Key is used by the XO Platform to authenticate the client application.
      2. HS256/HS512: Select to generate a Secret Key**and a **Client ID. The Client ID is required for app initialization, and the Secret Key is used by the XO Platform to authenticate the client application.
    • Enable Enforce JTI Claim.
    • Enforce JWE Encryption.
    • Click Next. On successful creation of the application, you will see client Id and secret for the app. Click Done. App creation successful