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IVR Digit Input Node

The IVR Digit Input node records a non-IVR menu interaction. It is used during dynamic interactions when the caller needs to provide input such as a phone number or the last four digits of their credit card to proceed. You can configure the condition for receiving the input, the Go to node if the condition is satisfied (success flow), the timeout value in seconds for the contact’s response/input, and the error-handling use cases. You can implement this node within your Flows.

Configure the Node

General Settings

Click the General Settings icon and provide the following information: General Settings

  • A Custom Name to identify the node.
  • Your Message to User: The message to be played to the customer via the IVR. Select one of the following options from under Choose your message type:

    • Text to speech: This option allows you to transcribe text to speech. Type the text to be transcribed in the textbox or select an already configured message.

      • Create a new prompt message to be played out for the Text to Speech message type by clicking + Create New. Enter a name for your message, and type its contents.
      • Define multiple message types for the prompt message to be played to the customer by clicking + Add Another. In this case, one message will be randomly selected and played during runtime.


    • Audio File: In the text field, type a new message to be played to the customer or click + Upload New to upload an audio file (.mp3 or .wav format) with the message to be played. Audio File

    • Link: Click + Create New to add the text of the message you want to play to the customer and insert the URL of an audio file in .mp3 or .wav format. Click + Add Another to add another message URL.


Conditions allow you to set the parameters based on which the digit input is recorded. Click the Condition icon to define the input conditions by providing values for the following fields:

  • Maximum length of digit: Define the limit for the number of digits a caller can input, after which the conditional message is played.
  • Ending Keypress: Define the key to delimit or indicate the end of the caller’s input. For example, when “#” is pressed, it indicates that the caller has completed keying in their input.
  • Define the On success flow by selecting a node from the Go to node dropdown list. If the condition is satisfied, the flow is directed to the selected node from the current node.


Set up the Timeout flow by defining the following fields:

  1. Under Timeout, type the wait time in seconds, after which a timeout event will occur.
    1. Your Message to User: From the Choose your message type dropdown list, select an option from Text to Speech, Link, or audio; then, type the message, and upload an audio file (.mp3 and .wav formats are only supported for audio files), or provide a URL to the error message to be played to the customer when a timeout event occurs. See General Settings for details on these options.
  2. Under Advanced Control, configure the following:
    1. Number of Tries: Type the limit for the maximum number of retries allowed for a customer to key in the input.
    2. Action after Exceeding Retries: Select the node to direct the flow to after a timeout has occurred.

Wrong Input

This tab allows you to configure the flow when the caller provides a wrong digit input.

  1. Your Message to User: From the Choose your message type dropdown list, select an option from Text to Speech, Link, or audio; then, type the message, and upload an audio file ( .mp3 and .wav formats are only supported for audio files), or provide a URL to the error message to be played to the customer when a timeout event occurs. See General Settings for details on these options.
  2. Under Advanced Control > Number of Tries, type the maximum number of retries or the allowed limit for a customer to key in the correct input.
  3. Under Advanced Control > Action after Exceeding Retries, select the node to direct the flow after the wrong input retries have exceeded. Select a node type to create the node or identify and select an existing node.
    Wrong Input

Error Handling

Error Handling is available under the Wrong Input tab. Use this section to handle system errors that occur during a call.

Define the following fields that determine how system errors will be handled during runtime:

  • Your Message to User: Choose the message type from Text to Speech, Link, or audio; then, type the message, upload an audio file (mp3 and .wav formats are only supported for audio files), or provide a URL to the error message that will be played out to the caller when a system error occurs. See General Settings for a detailed explanation of these features.
  • Go to node: Select the node to which you want to direct the error handling flow and define the system behavior. You can create a new node by selecting a node type or identifying and selecting an existing node.
    Error Handling

Store Digit Input

Once the caller listens to the IVR message, they must key in their input. The Contact Center AI receives this and stores it as a variable under a script task.

The Context Variable syntax is the following:


For example,


To define the script task that will store the input from this IVR Digit Input node, follow these steps:

  1. Under the IVR Digit Input node, add a Script Task node.
  2. Under General Settings > Define a script, add steps.nodename (For example, steps.IVRDigitInput). Script Task