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The Skills feature helps set up organizational classifications to route calls or chats to an agent based on the agent’s specialization, department, vertical, customer segment, and other categories. Examples of agent skills may include:

  • Languages – Agents can speak different languages, such as English, Hindi, Spanish, etc. Language is considered a default skill that every agent must have.
  • Customer Interactions – Agents are trained for retention, up-selling/cross-selling, or other related skills.

The Skills Live Board

You can reach the Skills Live Board by going to Contact Center > ROUTING > Skills. Skills Page

The Skills section is organized by Skill Groups. Click a group to expand it and display the skills assigned to that group. You can use the Search field to find skills or skill groups by name.

Add a Skill

Before adding a skill, you need a skill group. See Skill Groups for details. Contact Center AI comes pre-configured with a Default Skill Group to which you can add skills.

To add skills to a skill group, follow these steps:

  1. Click the respective skill group to get the drill-down view of associated Skills;
  2. Click the + New Skill button.
    New Skill Button

  3. Enter the following details in the Add New Skill window:

    1. Skill Name: Enter the name to identify the skill by.
    2. Description: Enter a brief description of the skill or its purpose.
    3. Agent Assignments: Associate agents to the skill and provide the proficiency level (Novice, Average, Good, and Expert).
      Add New Skill

    4. Click Create to complete the process. Contact Center AI creates the new skill, adds it to the list, and displays a success confirmation message. Skill Created

Add a Skill Using a Script

You can use custom attributes to add skills dynamically.

You can dynamically add skills using script nodes while building dialogs in the XO platform or building a flow in Contact Center AI.

The following methods are available:

setSkills(skillsInfo) – You can use this method to append skills to the current conversation. skillsInfo is an array parameter.

var loanType = { //creating a sample variable of skill - loan type
    "Car Loan": {
         name: "Car Loan",
         id: "60b50bec5c4c1a4195b55d88",
    "House Loan": {
         name: "House Loan",
         id: "60b50c005c4c1a4195b55d89",
    "Education Loan": {
         name: "Education Loan",
         id: "60b894198afcca6accc5f466",
    "Gold Loan": {
         name: "Gold Loan",
         id: "60b8943a8afcca6accc5f467",

agentUtils.setSkills([loanType[a]]); //setting the skill - loan type

getSkills() – Returns an array of skills in the current conversation.

getSkillById(skillId) – Returns a skill using the skill ID. Skills IDs are available under skills.

deleteSkillById(skillId) – Deletes a skill from the context of the current conversation.

deleteSkills(skillsToDelete) – Deletes an array of skills from the context of the current conversation.

Edit a Skill

To edit the field values of an existing skill, follow these steps:

  1. Click the desired skill group to get the associated skills list;
  2. Click the Edit icon corresponding to the skill you want to update; Edit Skill Button

  3. Make your changes in the Edit Skill window;

  4. Click Save. A success confirmation message is displayed once the skill details are updated.

Delete a Skill

To delete a skill, follow these steps:

  1. Click the desired skill group to get the associated skills list;
  2. Click the Edit icon corresponding to the skill you want to delete;
  3. Ensure that there are no agents assigned to the skill. If there are, you must remove them to delete the skill. Removing an agent from a skill also removes the skill assignment on the agent’s profile. Follow these steps:

    1. In the Edit Skill window, scroll down to Agent Assignments;
    2. Click the Delete icon for all the agents mapped to the skill.
    3. Click the Delete button on the confirmation pop-up for each agent. Once deleting all the agents under Agent Assignments, click Save.
    4. Click the Delete Skill icon.
    5. Click the Delete button on the confirmation pop-up to confirm your choice.
      Delete Skill Button

    !!! Note

      You cannot restore deleted skills. Please proceed with caution.

Skill Groups

A Skill Group aggregates similar agent skills. For example, Sales is a skill group, and skills such as up-selling, cross-selling, and presales are skills. Click the name of a group to display associated skills. Skill Group

Add a Skill Group

Steps to add a new skill group:

  1. Click the + New Skill Group button; New Skill GroupButton

  2. In the Add New Skill Group window, provide inputs for the following:

    1. Skill Group Name: The skill group name for identification.
    2. Description: The skill group description to understand its context.
    3. Color: Associate a color to the group for easier identification. You can use Hex to choose a specific color, use the color picker or select from the preset color palette;
  3. Click Create to complete the process;
    Create Skill Group

    !!! Note

      Skill Groups and Skills can have identical names if required. You can add skills with the same name to different groups. Within the same group, skill names must be unique.
  4. A success confirmation message is displayed once the new skill group is created. You can now add skills to the group.
    Skill Group Created

Edit a Skill Group

Follow these steps to edit a Skill Group once it is no longer associated with any skills:

  1. Click the Edit icon corresponding to the group you want to edit;
    Edit Skill Group Button

  2. Make the required changes in the Edit Skill Group window and click Save.

Delete a Skill Group

To delete a Skill Group, you must first remove the associated skills. In turn, the skills you have to remove must not be associated with any agent.

Follow these steps to delete a Skill Group:

  1. Delete the Skill:

    1. Click the desired skill group to get the associated skills list;
    2. Click the Edit icon corresponding to the skill you want to delete;
    3. Ensure that there are no agents assigned to the skill. If there are, you must remove them to delete the skill. Removing an agent from a skill also removes the skill assignment on the agent’s profile. Follow these steps:
      1. In the Edit Skill window, scroll down to Agent Assignments;
      2. Click the Delete icon for all the agents mapped to the skill.
      3. Click the Delete button on the confirmation pop-up for each agent. Once deleting all the agents under Agent Assignments, click Save.
      4. Click the Delete Skill icon.
      5. Click the Delete button on the confirmation pop-up to confirm your choice.
        Delete Skill
  2. Delete the Skill Group:

    1. Click the Edit icon corresponding to the group you want to edit;
    2. In the Edit Skill Group window, click Delete Skill Group;
    3. Confirm your choice.
      Delete Skill Group

    !!! Note

      You cannot restore deleted skill groups. Please proceed with caution.