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Campaign Management

Outbound campaigns are reshaping how businesses connect with their audience. These campaigns proactively reach out to a curated list of individuals, following predefined rules. At the core of this process, calls are orchestrated based on the information available in a contact list. Outbound campaigns infuse a personalized touch by crafting scripts that shape the agent's interaction.

You can access Campaigns by going to Contact Center AI > Campaigns > Proactive Outreach > Campaign Management.
Campaigns Main Page

Enable the "Outbound Voice Campaigns" permission in the User Permissions for agents who will handle campaign calls in the queue.


Agents need to be configured to either inbound or outbound, as agent blending is not currently available.

Voice Campaigns

The following details of the voice campaigns are shown in a table:
Campaigns Table Top Panel

  • Campaign - Campaign name and Type.
  • Actions - Play/Pause/Replay, Stop, Edit, Clone campaign.
  • Priority - Priority of the campaign from 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest). The default priority is 5.
  • Status - Status of the campaign.
    • Ready: When a manual campaign is saved and ready to run.
    • Active: The campaign is started and running.
    • Paused: The campaign is paused.
    • Rerun: Rerun the campaign.
    • Completed: The campaign has exhausted calling all numbers or the campaign has reached its scheduled end date.
  • Progress - Progress of the campaign. The count refreshes every 5 seconds.
  • Contact List - The call list that will be dialed.
  • Connection - The following details are displayed based on the dialer type:

    • Agentless dialer- The Flow name selected while creating or editing a campaign is shown. For example, Default Conversational Input voice Flow.


    The Campaigns module is only available on accounts configured with Kore Gateway. If an account is configured with AudioCodes or the mapped gateway is switched from AudioCodes to Kore Gateway, then the Campaigns module is unavailable.

Agentless Dialer

Agentless Dialer maintains a queue of leads to be dialed and can automatically dial a new phone number. The dialer initiates an outbound call to the selected phone number and when a call is answered, the dialer connects the call to the configured voice experience flow. The dialer can detect answering machines or voicemail and reschedule the call by sending the call status to the campaign manager. If a call goes unanswered or reaches a voicemail with Answering Machine Detection (AMD) turned on, the dialer disconnects the call and automatically dials the following number on the list.

Metrics and call statistics, such as the number of calls made, call duration, and call outcomes are generated for monitoring and reporting purposes.

Campaign managers can customize the dialing pace, allowing them to set the number of simultaneous calls dialed at any time.

To create a campaign when Agentless Dialing Mode is selected:

  • Select the Start Flow associated with the campaign. Learn more.
    Start Flow


    • You can turn on Answering Machine Detection toggle if you want the system to determine whether the outbound call was received by an answering machine.

    • Using the agentless dialer, you can configure the Automation Node making this dialer a differentiator from our competitors.

Progressive Dialer

A progressive dialer is an outbound calling system that enhances the efficiency and productivity of agents. The dialer automatically calls the next number in a pre-defined queue immediately after agents complete their current calls. It ensures that one call is made for each available agent. For example, if 10 agents are free, it will initiate 10 calls simultaneously.

A progressive dialer connects the agent to the call only if a human answers, filtering out voicemails and busy lines. This gives agents time to review contextual information about the person they are about to contact, although they cannot control who they will speak to or the time they have for review.

The dialer efficiently manages lead allocation based on agent availability. It tracks agents’ statuses, ensuring the most idle agent receives the next call. It provides metrics and call statistics, such as the number of calls made, call duration, and call outcomes essential for monitoring and reporting.

To create a campaign when Progressive Dialing Mode is selected:

  • Select the Queue to which the calls will be routed. Learn more

Select Queue

!!! Note

    You can turn on Answering Machine Detection toggle if you want the system to determine whether the outbound call was received by an answering machine.

Progressive Dialer Call Handling

Once the dialer selects a contact from the list, it dials the number and upon successful connection with the contact, the interaction is assigned to an agent. The CUSTOMER INFO widget displays the customer's information. the interaction appears on the Conversation Tray along with the campaign name.

During the call the agent can Mute, place the call on Hold, or end the interaction.

Call Connected

Dispositions are displayed to the agent when the call ends.


Below is the dialing logic when the same agents are assigned multiple campaigns.

* If the campaigns have different priorities, the dialer first dials contacts in campaigns with higher priority and then campaigns with lower priority.

* If the campaigns have the same priority then it randomly selects contacts from the campaigns and assigns them to agents.

* Say there are two campaigns with Priority 5 and one campaign with Priority 4, the dialer will first randomly dial contacts from the two Priority 5 campaigns and after completing all contacts from these two campaigns it will dial contacts from the Priority 4 campaign.

Preview Dialer

A preview dialer is a dialing system used in outbound calling campaigns that provide agents with a call information preview. This allows agents to review recipient details, such as name, account history, etc., ensuring a more personalized and informed conversation. Unlike predictive dialers, preview dialers offer agents control over when to initiate the call, improving the quality of interactions. Preview dialers facilitate seamless access to customer data and efficient call management, making them ideal for campaigns requiring a personal touch.

The dialer is designed to efficiently manage outbound calling campaigns by assigning call records to available agents, ensuring optimal agent utilization, and adhering to defined dialing rules and compliance standards. Below are the details on the dialer logic, agent assignment, call handling, and skip logic.

The dialer app reads the records in the list and assigns them to an available agent. The dialer checks agent availability in the queue to assign the record list for a campaign. The dialer prioritizes agents based on their idle time, ensuring the most idle agents are assigned records first.

To create a campaign when Preview Dialing Mode is selected:

  • Select the Queue to which the calls will be routed. Learn more.
  • Enter the Maximum Skips allowed for an assigned record. The skip settings are configured at the campaign level for each campaign the agent is part of.
    Dialing Mode Preview Dialer

Preview Dialer Call Handling

The agent is presented with one contact with an option for the Agent to Dial the number or Skip. Agents have a default 30-second timer to either dial or skip the call. If the agent dials within 30 seconds, the call is dialed to the contact. If the agent skips within 30 seconds, the interaction is removed from the agent and reassigned. Skipped contacts follow the retry logic based on the maximum attempts configured. The maximum number of skips allowed per agent can be configured for each campaign. Once the skip limit is reached, the skip button will no longer be available for that campaign instance. If the agent neither dials nor skips within the 30-second window, the call will be automatically dialed. The CUSTOMER INFO widget displays the customer's information. The interaction appears on the Conversation Tray along with the campaign name from which the call or contact is generated.
Preview Call

Once an agent dials a number, that number becomes unavailable to other agents. When a call is connected, the number is not dialed again for the duration of the campaign. During the call the agent can Mute, place the call on Hold, or end the interaction. All outbound calls are recorded in the same way as inbound calls to ensure quality and compliance.
Call Options

Dispositions are displayed to the agent when the call ends.
Disposition & Notes

A campaign automatically ends once all numbers are connected. If a call is not connected, the dialing rules, such as retry waiting periods are checked. The number is redialed after all other records have been attempted. The maximum number of attempts for each contact is set. For example, If a contact's max attempt is 1, it won't be retried. If it's 2, the contact is marked as Retry = yes and will be retried as per the configured logic.

Create Voice Campaigns

Steps to create Voice campaigns:

  1. On the Voice tab, click + New Campaign.

New Campaign Button

  1. The New Voice Campaign dialog box is displayed. Under the General tab, enter the following details:

    • Campaign Name: Enter a name for the campaign.
      Campaign Name
    • Description: A description of the campaign.
      Campaign Description
    • Contact Lists: Select the Contact Lists that will be dialed, for the campaign from the drop-down list and then click Done.
      Select Contact Lists
    • Select the DNC List from the drop-down.
      DNC List


      • Only 1 DNC list can be selected per campaign.
      • The contact list is automatically scrubbed against the DNC list after the Campaign is saved.
    • Select the Priority from the drop-down list.

    • Select the Dialing Mode from the drop-down list.
      Dialing Mode
  2. Under the Outreach Strategy tab, enter the following details:

    • Caller ID: Select the caller ID to be displayed for the campaign.
      Caller ID
    • Dialing Order: Choose the order of dialing the phone numbers.
      Dialing Order
    • Max Attempts Per Contact: Enter the count for the maximum number of attempts by the dialer to call each phone number in the campaign.
      Max Attempts Per Contact
    • Default Retry Period: Select the retry duration (in minutes) in case of an unsuccessful connection with a contact.
      Default Retry Period
    • Max Ring Time: Select the duration (in seconds) that a call will ring until it is disconnected.
      Max Ring Time
    • Contactable Timings: Add the contactable timings (day of the week/time) when the dialer will dial the calls.
      Contactable Timings


      Calls will be dialed to contacts based on the calling hours and timezone configured here, irrespective of the campaign's start and stop time.

  3. Click Save. The campaign is created.

Schedule Voice Campaigns

Scheduling allows precise control over when your messages will be delivered. You can seamlessly plan campaigns to coincide with peak engagement times, ensuring maximum impact. Whether daily, weekly, Monthly, or Yearly, tailor your schedule to optimize outreach and enhance audience responsiveness. Scheduling a campaign will activate the campaign at a designated date and time.

Steps to schedule a Campaign:

  1. Click the Schedule tab and turn on the Schedule Campaign toggle. Schedule campaign Toggle

  2. Select the campaign Start Date & Time. End Date & Time is optional. Start & End time

  3. Select the Time Zone in which the campaign will be dialed.

  4. Turn on the Recurrence toggle if you want the campaign to recur at defined intervals. You can select from the following options:

    1. Daily,
    2. Weekly,
    3. Monthly,
    4. Yearly.

    Every “Enter Value” day(s) is a subset of what you select, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.


    When a Scheduled campaign completes the first occurrence, it considers that run as complete so on the next recurrence it will start reaching the contacts freshly. For example, If a campaign is scheduled to run every week on Monday then on the first occurrence of Monday, the dialer will dial as many contacts as it can and then treat the contact list as completed. The next Monday the dialer will again consider dialing all contacts in the list.

  5. Turning on the Allow Recurrence Precedence toggle will give the recurrence start and end time precedence over Contactable timings. For example, if Contactable Timings are 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM but the user selects Recurrence Start Time as 8:00 AM, the campaign will start contacting from 8:00 AM.
    Allow Recurrence Precedence

  6. Click Save. A campaign is created as per the configured schedule.


    • When a timezone is selected in the 'Contactable Timings' section, it automatically becomes the default timezone for scheduling in the 'Schedule' section. However, campaign managers can still choose a different timezone from the dropdown if necessary.

    • Once a campaign is scheduled, it will become active at the specified date and time. However, the contacts will be dialed according to the 'Contactable Timings' time and timezone settings.

    • To ensure accuracy, the contacts are scrubbed again 15 minutes before the scheduled time of a campaign.

    • A scheduled campaign will automatically run at the scheduled date/time but the contacts are dialed as per the contactable timings and timezone. Clicking the Run button for a scheduled campaign displays an error message.

Stop a Scheduled Campaign

Click the Stop button under actions. Stopping a scheduled campaign will end the instance of that campaign.
Stop Button

A confirmation message is displayed. Click Stop.
Stop Scheduled campaign Confirmation

Edit a Voice Campaign

Editing a voice campaign allows you to make changes to the campaign as per your needs.

Steps to edit a campaign:

  1. Click the Ellipsis () icon beside the campaign name and click Edit.
    Edit Campaign Button

  2. A pop-up window is displayed. Do the required changes and click Save.
    Edit and Save Campaign


    You cannot edit a campaign that in Active status. For campaigns in other statuses, you can edit limited fields.

Clone a Voice Campaign

Cloning a voice campaign creates a replica of the original campaign. This is useful when two or more similar campaigns are run simultaneously.

Steps to clone a campaign:

  1. Click the Ellipsis () icon beside the campaign name and click Clone.
    Clone Campaign Button
  2. A cloned copy of the original campaign is created.


    The system does not clone the original campaign's schedule configuration.

    Cloned Campaign

Stop a Voice Campaign

Stopping a voice campaign resets the data, and a new instance of the campaign is created when you rerun the campaign.

Steps to stop a campaign:

  1. Click the Stop button under ACTIONS for the campaign you want to stop.
    Stop Campaign Button

  2. A Stop Campaign confirmation pop-up window is displayed. Click Stop.
    Stop Campaign Confirmation

Delete a Voice Campaign

You can delete a voice campaign if the campaign has served its purpose or is no longer required.

Steps to delete a campaign:

  1. Click the Ellipsis() icon beside the campaign name and click Delete.
    Delete Campaign Button

  2. A Delete Campaign confirmation pop-up window is displayed. Click Delete.
    Delete Campaign Confirmation

  3. The campaign is deleted.

Run Voice Campaigns

You can run a voice campaign by clicking the Play button.
Run Campaign

When the campaign runs, you can pause or stop it. You can also rerun a completed campaign.