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Dialog Tasks Overview

Dialog Tasks represent a core component of the XO Platform. Together with the Conversation Designer, it is an essential tool in building conversations connected to your business logic.

Each task comprises interlinked nodes that help retrieve information, perform actions, connect with external apps, send messages to users, and more.

To learn more and start creating your own Dialog Tasks, first learn how to Navigate the Dialog Builder and then how to Work with Dialog Tasks.

While working with Dialog Tasks, you will be interacting with a variety of related features, including:

  • Sub-intent management & Node Grouping – You can configure sub-intents within a task using group nodes or configure a task as a subintent.
  • Component Transitions – Each node can be configured to connect to other nodes according to specific if-else conditions that you can customize based on various criteria.
  • Voice and IVR integration – Relevant nodes can be integrated with voice and IVR tools to assist your users via voice.
  • User and Error Prompt management – Task nodes allow you to customize the messaging users see when interacting with that node or when there is an error.
  • The Context Object – You can use the Context Object as a container for data that can be used across tasks, intents, and FAQs.