Alert Task – REST API Request¶
We have seen how an Alert task can be set up in XO Platform here. In this section, we will see how to configure an API Request for a REST service.
General Setup¶
The following illustration is an example of the API Request tab available when editing an Alert Task, with the Connection Type specified as Webservice and the Connection Mode set to REST defined on the General tab.
For such an Alert Task you will need to define:
- Content Type – The type of data exchanged between and your web application. Learn more.
- Authentication – If required for your alert task, you will need to define the authentication to access the API, for example, using basic authorization, OAuth, or API Key. Learn more.
- Parameters – Define one or more parameters used to process the API request, for example, input from user prompts, selection by an end-user from a list of choices, a URL, and so forth. Learn more.
- Initializer – Specify custom JavaScript to run, or set session variables prior to creating a task instance when web services require code to be executed, or session variables set, or modification of user context details before an API request is executed. Learn more.
- Request – Define a request chain used to make an API call to a web service to initiate the task using URLs and paths to your Bot to initiate the delivery of the data payload from the web service to the Bots Platform. The request chain can consist of pre-processors, API requests, and post-processors. Learn more.
- Response Sample – Define key/value pairs that you expect to receive in the task payload. The keys that you provide are available as drop-down choices for handling the data to display to the end-user. Learn more.
- Preview Website Link Content in Post – The website preview content displayed in the task notification message. Learn more.
Click Save to save the API request settings.
Content Type¶
The Content Type describes the type of data exchanged between and your Bot website or application, and the key-value pairs expected in the task payload response. To define the Content Type for the API Request (REST), expand the Content Type tab and select one of these options:
- JSON – JavaScript Object Notation is an open standard format using human-readable text to transmit data objects as attribute-value pairs. You can use JSON to transmit data between the servers and your Bot web application.
- RSS – Rich Site Summary, or Really Simple Syndication, is a family of standardized formats used to publish frequently updated information such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video.
- XML – Extensible Markup Language is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. Oftentimes, web services use XML schemas to process the XML data.
- URL Encoded JSON – URLs using JSON encoding for reserved characters.
- CSV – Comma-separated value lists.
- Text – Text-based key-value pairs.
- Twitter Encoded JSON – URLs for Twitter using JSON encoding for reserved characters.
- Multipart/Form-data – An encoding type that allows files to be sent through an HTTP POST request method if you want to allow a user to upload a file from a form.
- Multipart/Related – Used when the same information is presented in different body parts in different forms. The body parts are ordered by increasing complexity.
- Oracle ADF – For Oracle Application Development Framework.
If you require an authorization provider for your Alert Task, you will need to configure it according to its authentication method. Please click here for further details.
Follow these steps to define the API Request (REST) parameters:
Click the Parameters section, and then click Add. The Set Up Task Parameter dialog opens.
Depending on your Alert Task configuration, enter the values for the relevant fields as described in the following table.
Parameter Name | The title of the task input field displayed to the user, for example, Choose account |
Prompt Message | The help description displayed below the parameter name, for example, Which account would you like to access? |
Parameter Key | The task key that represents the end-user input value that you want to collect, for example, accountType. |
Parameter Type |
Specifies the type of task input field displayed in the end-user interface to collect user input for the request object to assign to the Key value. The default setting is Textbox, but can be customized to any one of the following:
Data Type |
Select one of these user input types:
Is Multi Select | Allows the user to make more than one selection or entry. This field is displayed depending on the Field Type selected. |
Visibility |
Specify if the task input field should be visible or hidden from the end-user.
The Visibility field can also be set to Custom where data is captured from the user but not used as a query parameter or payload field. For example, with a JIRA bot, posting a comment on a ticket using an @mention tag as shown below: “@Mike, please look into this issue” The JIRA API to ‘Post a comment’ requires one query field and one payload field as:
Mandatory | Select if the end-user must define this setting to save the task settings configuration. |
Untranspose the Key | Select to disable key transposition by By default, transposes a key/value pair, for example, “parameter”:”value” is transposed by to “parameter:{value:”actualValue”}. When selected, keys are not transposed. |
Fetch from Session |
Select to store the user input value for this field as a session variable. When selected, the Field Value from Session field is displayed. Select an existing variable, or select Add New Session Variable to define a new variable. To create a new session variable, you must select the Scope of the variable and define the Key to store the variable. In the Scope field, select one of:
- Click Add & Continue to save the parameter for the task request and add another parameter, or click Add & Exit to save the parameter for the task request and close the dialog. You should organize multiple parameters in the order that the bot user should provide inputs. Use the up and down icons to move the parameters.

Define an Initializer¶
To run a task, you may need to put or get values from a session before executing the task using session-specific variables. For more information, see Using Session and Context Variables in Tasks.
Some web services require executed code, session variables, or modification of user context details before executing an API request.
For example, a web service may require two-factor user authorization where the first step is a user log in, and the second step is a partner authorization. After validating both these steps, an access token is granted and used in the header of subsequent API calls to that web service.
Using the Initializer, you can complete partner authorization and retrieve the access token from the response of the user authentication.
The access token can be stored as a custom session variable and set as the header for subsequent API calls.
To configure the task initializer, click the Initializer tab. It opens a JavaScript editor in which you can write the required code.
In the JavaScript editor, define the Key and the Scope as follows:
EnterpriseContext – A key-value pair available to all bots and all users in an enterprise. For example, for a GitHub assistant, a user needs to access one or more enterprise repositories. In the Initializer, you can persist the repository data as Gitrepository (Enterprise Context) with the following JavaScript code:
var userRepository = {
"title": _labels_[repository],
"value": repository
EnterpriseContext.put('Gitrepository', userRepository, 200000);
BotContext – A key-value pair available to all users of this specific bot. For example, you may want to set up a default currency for financial transactions in a session based on the user location. In the Initializer, you can persist the default currency data as currency (Bot Context) with the following JavaScript code:
var defaultCurrency = { TODO Custom JavaScript for location-based currency }
BotContext.put('currency', defaultCurrency, 200000);
UserContext – A key-value pair available to all bots for a user. These keys are read-only and provided by the system as user data for:
- id – The userId.
- emailId – The email address associated with the userId.
- lastName – The last name of the user.
- firstName – The first name of the user.
- profImage – The image or avatar filename of the user.
- profColour – The account color for the user.
- activationStatus – The account status of the user.
- title – The title of the user, if defined.
- orgId – The organizational ID of the user account, if defined.
UserSession – Define a key-value pair available for this specific user for all bots in an enterprise.
For example, you may want to store a user location to make it available to all bots, such as a user home address for commerce, transportation, and home delivery services.
In the Initializer, you can persist the default location data as HomeLocation (UserSession) with the following JavaScript code:
var location = {
"title": labels[location],
"value": {
"latitude": location.latitude,
"longitude": request.location.longitude
UserSession.put('HomeLocation', location, '20000');
BotUserSession – Define a key-value pair available to a specific bot based on a specific user’s inputs.
For example, you may want to persist in a user location for more than one bot task. For a travel bot, the user may be able to book a flight and a hotel based on the same home and destination addresses.
In the Initializer, you can persist the default home and destination data as HomeLocation (BotUserSession) and DestinationLocation (BotUserSession) with the following JavaScript code:
var homelocation = {
"title": labels[request.sourceLocation],
"value": {
"latitude": request.sourceLocation.latitude,
"longitude": request.sourceLocation.longitude
BotUserSession.put('HomeLocation', homelocation, '20000');
var destlocation = {
"title": labels[request.destLocation],
"value": {
"latitude": request.destLocation.latitude,
"longitude": request.destLocation.longitude
BotUserSession.put('DestinationLocation', destlocation, '20000');
GET and PUT Syntax¶
The following code examples show the syntax to GET or PUT a key-value pair for each context type.
"EnterpriseContext" : {
"get" : function(key){...},//get the specified key
"put" : function(key, value, ttl){...} //put the value at the key for the specified ttl, ttl is in minutes
"BotContext" : {
"get" : function(key){...},//get the specified key
"put" : function(key, value, ttl){...} //put the value at the key for the specified ttl, ttl is in minutes
"UserContext" : {
"get" : function(key){...},//get the specified key
"UserSession" : {
"get" : function(key){...},//get the specified key
"put" : function(key, value, ttl){...} //put the value at the key for the specified ttl, ttl is in minutes
"BotUserSession" : {
"get" : function(key){...},//get the specified key
"put" : function(key, value, ttl){...} //put the value at the key for the specified ttl, ttl is in minutes
For example:
Exception Syntax¶
You can also define custom error messages to catch errors before setting up a task, for example, authentication failure. If an exception is captured, the task setup is halted. Use the following syntax to throw the exception:
For example,
var ex ={};
var exceptions={};
exceptions.message ='You can not proceed further with out valid permissions';
ex.exceptions = exceptions;
print(JSON.stringify(ex)); //print is mandatory.
In the Initializer section, you can use session Keys, or other session variables, however, you cannot set or access values. For example,
var name = UserContext.get("firstName")+UserContext.get("lastName");
UserSession.put("fullName") = name;
In the preceding code example, you PUT a value into the session using a task Parameter defined with the Fetch from Session field in the Advanced Settings section for the task. The Key is defined as fullName
for the custom defined UserSession
context variable.
Task Initializer Example¶
The following code is an example of a Task Initializer to get the user ID and email data to pre-populate variables in the API request.
var x = UserContext.get("identities");
var isEmailFound = false;
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
if (x[i].type === "mapped") {
var identity = x[i].val
var arr = identity.split("/");
var pattern = /^cs/i;
var result = arr[0].match(pattern);
if (result) {
isEmailFound = true;
UserSession.put("rtmEmail", arr[1], '20000');
if (!isEmailFound) {
for (var j = 0; j < x.length; j++) {
if (x[j].type === "email") {
UserSession.put("rtmEmail", x[j].val, '20000');
Define the Request Chain¶
In the Request section of the API Request tab, you can define an API request chain consisting of pre-processors, API Requests, and post-processors. At least one API Request is required, while processors are optional.
API Request¶
For any task, you will need to define an API request to make a call to a web service to initiate the task. At least one API request is required for each task. For each API request, you must add one or more request URLs and paths to your task to initiate the delivery of the data payload from the web service.
Configure the API Request¶
- On the API Request tab, expand the Request section, and then click, Add API. The Add API dialog opens, and you can now configure the request.
Specify the values for the fields in the Add API dialog as described in the following procedure.
In the Name field, enter the name of your API request, for example, My API Request.
In the Method drop-down list, select the HTTP method used for the task from the following:
- POST– Used to send data to the server such as customer information, file upload, using HTML forms.
- PUT– Replaces the content of the target resource with the content sent.
- PATCH – Appends the content of an existing target resource with the content sent.
- DELETE – Deletes the content of an existing target resource.
- GET – Returns the content of an existing target resource.
In the URL field, specify the URL for the bot task response to the process. For example,
. You can also use session variables in the URL as shown in the following example:\(filter=ID eq '{id}' and ReporterEmail eq '{userEmail}'&\)expand=ServiceRequestHistoricalVersion,ServiceRequestDescription
In the Access Using A Connector field, select Yes to enable access for Bots using the Connector agent. This option is only visible if a Connector agent is configured and enabled in your enterprise on-premises network. For more information, see Using the Connector.
On the Headers tab, in the Content Type field, select one of the following supported data types for your sample response data.
- JSON – JavaScript Object Notation is an open standard format using human-readable text to transmit data objects as attribute-value pairs. You can use JSON to transmit data between the servers and your Bot web application.
- RSS – Rich Site Summary, or Really Simple Syndication, is a family of standardized formats used to publish frequently updated information such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video.
- XML – Extensible Markup Language is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. Oftentimes, web services use XML schemas to process the XML data.
- URL Encoded JSON – URLs using JSON encoding for reserved characters.
- CSV – Comma-separated value lists.
- Text – Text-based key-value pairs.
- Twitter Encoded JSON – URLs for Twitter using JSON encoding for reserved characters.
- Multipart/Form-data – An encoding type that allows files to be sent through an HTTP POST request method if you want to allow a user to upload a file from a form.
- Multipart/Related – Used when the same information is presented in different body parts in different forms. The body parts are ordered by increasing complexity.
- Oracle ADF – For Oracle Application Development Framework.
In the Authorization Headers section, select or clear keys to enable or disable the key for the header as shown in the following illustration.
On the Parameters tab, select or clear any Auth Parameters or Parameters to include in the header as shown in the following illustration.
Click Save to save and close the API Request configuration.
Processors allow you to manipulate data collected in the user session before, during, or after an API request to a web service using JavaScript. If you define and place a processor before the API Request, it is a pre-processor. Pre-processors allow you to manage input parameters and values from session variables before the API Request is made. If the processor is sequentially placed after the API Request, it is a post-processor. You can use a post-processor to access payload response keys from the API request. To access keys, use one of the following post-processor types:
- Resolve: To use the results of one payload response as input for a second request.
- Spread: To separate arrays of data in a payload.
- Extract – To specify a path to a specific object in a payload with multiple objects.
- Assign: To specify a variable name for the payload response.
You can use a pre-processor to manage request parameters before the API Request is executed, using session variables and parameters. When defining a pre-processor, you must set Type of Process to custom and then enter your code in the JavaScript editor displayed. A pre-processor can only be of Type custom.
Adding a Preprocessor¶
On the API Request page, expand the Request tab, and then click Add Processor.
Enter the name of your processor in the Name field.
- In the Type of Process drop-down list, you must select Custom for a pre-processor.
Add your code for manipulating the request parameters as needed using the following syntax:
"fields": {
"payloadFields": { // to set value to a payload field
"key1": "value1", // To set complex Payload field object in the Preprocessors of Alert Task.
"key2": "value2"....
"headerFields": { // to set value to a header field
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"....
"pathFields": { // to set value to a path field or query field.
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"....
For example, the following code snippet can be used to set the path field or the query field of an API object:
var fields= {};
var pathFields = {};
pathFields.fullName = UserContext.get("firstName")+UserContext.get("lastName")
fields.pathFields = pathFields;
var finalObject = {};
finalObject.fields = fields;
In the previous code, if firstName
and lastName
are stored as session variables, as John
and Smith
respectively, then the JSON response payload from the pre-processor would be:
In the following pre-processor example, variables are set with session variables prior to the actual API request call.
var fields = {};
var pathFields = {};
var UserEmailID = UserSession.get("rtmEmail");
pathFields.userEmail = UserEmailID;
fields.pathFields = pathFields;
var finalObject = {};
finalObject.fields = fields;
- Click Save to save and close the Add Processor dialog.
When a processor is placed in the Request section before the API Request, the processor is considered as a pre-processor. When placed after an API Request, the processor is considered a post-processor.
Adding a Post-Processor¶
You may need more than one API request to get the desired data payload from your web service, using post-processors.
Configure Standard Post Processors¶
If you want to create a custom post-processor, you could access the response keys of the previous API Request using the following syntax:
payload[0].{ key }
var final = {};
var data = payload[0]; //Accessing the response of the previous API object
data.title[0] = 'New value for key here';
final.payload = data; // Updating the response of the API object
print(JSON.stringify(final)); // This step is mandatory
For custom processors, you must print the final response as shown in the preceding code, otherwise, an empty response is returned. Use the following syntax:
print(JSON.stringify( <<-object->> ))
Configure Standard Post Processors¶
Follow these steps to add a standard post-processor:
- On the API Request tab, expand the Request tab, and then click Add Processor.
- also provides a set of standard post-processors that you can use instead of creating custom code for a post-processor. In Type of Process field, select one of the following four types of standard processors:
Resolve: You can use the results of one payload response as input for a second request.
For example, click Add Processor, enter a Name for your processor, set Type of Process to resolve, and Key to the name of the variable, and then define the Post URL using a variable from the first API Request. For example,{project_id} that returns the id field in the payload response as:
"id":80468818418144, <br/>
"name":"jaganmohan.evuri" },
This is then used as a variable input as shown in the following Post URL:{id}/tasks?opt_fields=completed,modified_at
You must also specify the HTML Content Type expected in the payload response as well as the HTML Request method. For more information, see Using Session and Context Variables in Tasks.
Spread: For payloads that contain arrays of data that you need to separate.
For example, click Add Processor, enter a Name for your processor, set the Key field to, for example, data, and Type of Process to spread to capture the content in the data
element in the following code example to extract each item of the array.
"attribution": null,
"tags": [],
"type": "image",
"location": null,
"comments": {
"count": 51,
"data": [{
"created_time": "1453900980",
"text": "43rd",
"from": {
"username": "kore_hyd",
"profile_picture": "",
"id": "2056218675",
"full_name": " Hyd"
"id": "1171728804843572377"
}, {
"created_time": "1453901222",
"text": "44th",
"from": {
"username": "kore_hyd",
"profile_picture": "",
"id": "2056218675",
"full_name": " Hyd"
"id": "1171730841379491107"
}, {
"created_time": "1453901997",
"text": "45th",
"from": {
"username": "kore_hyd",
"profile_picture": "",
"id": "2056218675",
"full_name": " Hyd"
"id": "1171737339782450909"
}, {
"created_time": "1453902304",
"text": "46th and 47th",
"from": {
"username": "kore_hyd",
"profile_picture": "",
"id": "2056218675",
"full_name": " Hyd"
"id": "1171739915923967873"
}, {
"created_time": "1453902638",
"text": "48th",
"from": {
"username": "kore_hyd",
"profile_picture": "",
"id": "2056218675",
"full_name": " Hyd"
"id": "1171742713994497101"
}, {
"created_time": "1453964684",
"text": "49th",
"from": {
"username": "venkataphani.ailavarapu",
"profile_picture": "",
"id": "2679234818",
"full_name": "Phani"
"id": "1172263199715314941"
}, {
"created_time": "1453964710",
"text": "50th",
"from": {
"username": "kore_hyd",
"profile_picture": "",
"id": "2056218675",
"full_name": " Hyd"
"id": "1172263415747136776"
}, {
"created_time": "1453964717",
"text": "51st",
"from": {
"username": "kore_hyd",
"profile_picture": "",
"id": "2056218675",
"full_name": " Hyd"
"id": "1172263474056350986"
Extract: For payloads that contain multiple objects, you can specify a path to the specific object.
For example, click Add Processor, enter a Name for your processor, set the Key field to data
, and then Type of Process to extract to use the object data in the following payload response.
"user": {
"full_name": " Hyd",
"id": "2056218675",
"profile_picture": "",
"username": "kore_hyd"
}, "likes": {
"data": [{
"full_name": "kstream002",
"id": "2100724876",
"profile_picture": "",
"username": "kstream002"
Assign: Using the Assign processor, you can specify a variable name for the payload response, if needed.
For example, when the payload does not contain a key for the payload response data. For example, set Type of Process to assign, and then in the Output Variable field, you can for example, define an output variable for the following payload that is an array of three objects.
"Cost": "$0.00",
"Desc1": "$150 bonus after $500 of purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. ",
"Desc2": "Earn unlimited cash back Earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase â€" it's automatic. Redeem for cash back â€" any amount, any time. ",
"Keywords": "weekend dining,online,groceries,fuel,rewards,rebate,365,allaround",
"OfferName": "Freedom Unlimited",
"OfferType": "CreditCard",
"Status": "1",
"imageURL": "",
"id": "5b5195e264bbd800"
"Cost": "$95.00",
"Desc1": "Pay 0 balance transfer fee when you transfer a balance during the first 60 days.",
"Desc2": "Jumpstart your financial fitness Get an introductory fee for balance transfers, save on interest†, and get your free monthly credit score.",
"Keywords": "privileges,rebate,health,wellness,great eastern,insurance,policy,installments,split,cashflo",
"OfferName": "Premium Plus",
"OfferType": "CreditCard",
"Status": "1",
"imageURL": "",
"id": "5caf2155873f89c8"
"Cost": "$10.00",
"Desc1": "Pay 0 balance transfer fee when you transfer a balance during the first 60 days.",
"Desc2": "Jumpstart your financial fitness Get an introductory fee for balance transfers, save on interest†, and get your free monthly credit score.",
"Keywords": "privileges,rebate,health,wellness,great eastern,insurance,policy,installments,split,cashflo",
"OfferName": "Frequent Flyer",
"OfferType": "CreditCard",
"Status": "1",
"imageURL": "",
"id": "c0b05bc3062658ee"
In the Output Variable field, specify a variable to represent the array, as offers
For example. If you used the UX Preview feature, the response from would be:
"response": {
"offers": [
"Cost": "$0.00",
"Desc1": "$150 bonus after $500 of purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. ",
"Desc2": "Earn unlimited cash back Earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase â€" it's automatic. Redeem for cash back â€" any amount, any time. ",
"Keywords": "weekend dining,online,groceries,fuel,rewards,rebate,365,allaround",
"OfferName": "Freedom Unlimited",
"OfferType": "CreditCard",
"Status": "1",
"imageURL": "",
"id": "5b5195e264bbd800"
"Cost": "$95.00",
"Desc1": "Pay 0 balance transfer fee when you transfer a balance during the first 60 days.",
"Desc2": "Jumpstart your financial fitness Get an introductory fee for balance transfers, save on interest†, and get your free monthly credit score.",
"Keywords": "privileges,rebate,health,wellness,great eastern,insurance,policy,installments,split,cashflo",
"OfferName": "Premium Plus",
"OfferType": "CreditCard",
"Status": "1",
"imageURL": "",
"id": "5caf2155873f89c8"
With the Output Variable set to offers
, you can use the variable as response.offers
. In Bot Builder, for example, in a task response object as follows:
var data = response.offers
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
print('<a href="' + data[i].imageURL + '" target="_blank">' + data[i].OfferName + '</a><br>');
print('Cost: ' + data[i].Cost)
if (i < data.length - 1) {
- Click Add to save the API request and then create another, or click Add & Exit to save the API request and close the dialog.
For multiple API requests, you should order the requests in the sequential order needed to get to entire data response.
For example, you may need to request a list of workspaces, then a list of projects, and finally, a list of users. Use the Move Up icon and the Move Down icon to reorder the API requests.
No confirmation dialog is displayed when deleting an API request. If you click Continue or Save, the delete action is permanent and cannot be undone.
Add the Response Sample¶
In the Response Sample section, you can enter or paste examples of the key-value pairs that you expect to receive in the task payload. When you define the response sample, the keys specified in the Response Sample section are available as drop-down choices for handling the output data.
To add a sample response, please follow the steps below:
- On the API Request tab, Expand the Sample Response section.
Enter your Response Sample that contains the key-value pairs from your JSON response payload. Do one of the following:
To format the view of the response as a JSON structure with indentation as shown in the following illustration, click the Formatted icon.
To format the view of the response in serialized compact form as shown in the following illustration, click the Unformatted icon.
Preview Website Link Content¶
Some web services send links to preview media as part of the payload response. In this section, you can enable or disable preview links, and define the path to the links in the payload. By default, website preview links are disabled. The following illustration is an example of the Preview Website Link Content in Post section when Yes is selected.
When enabled, define the path to the preview links in the payload in the Path to the Link(toPreview) field, if the path is not in the root of the payload. For example, in the following code example from an RSS payload, the path to the preview is
"item": [
"title": "U.S. to Boost Refugee Intake by 30,000 by 2017",
"guid": {
"-isPermaLink": "false",
"#text": "SB12418904751422433479504581245034032986752"
"link": "",
When Preview website link content in Post is enabled, select preview objects such as:
- Preview Title – Displays the title of the website content.
- Preview Description – Displays the description of the website content.
- Preview Media(Video) – Enables display of video links from the website content.
- Preview Media(Image) – Enables display of image links from the website content.