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Generate a Knowledge Graph

The performance of the Knowledge Graph is based on its organization which is influenced by the key domain terms, and the established hierarchy.

Building the FAQ is easy when you start fresh with the Knowledge Graph, but in case you have a list of questions-answer pairs, converting them into a fully-functional Knowledge Graph is tedious task.

The XO Platform provides a Knowledge Graph Generator that automatically extracts terms from FAQ, defines the hierarchy between these terms, and also associates the FAQ to the right terms. You can then import the output file from the generator to your VA’s Knowledge Graph without worrying about the hierarchy.

You can also edit the hierarchy after import to suit your needs. It is highly recommended to review and make changes as the Knowledge Graph generated is only a suggestion.


The Knowledge Graph Generator is available from v7.1 of the Platform.

The Knowledge Graph Generator is hosted on the Kore GitHub repository. This document provides the steps needed to install and use the generator.


  • Python 3.6: The Knowledge Graph Generator requires python v3.6. You can download it here.
  • Virtual Environment: It is advised to use a virtual environment, instead of installing requirements in the system directly. Follow the steps mentioned here to set up the environment.
  • For Windows Developers:
    • Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools – tested with v14.0.
    • Windows 10 users must install Windows 10 SDK. You can download it here.
    • The operating system must be up to date for a seamless installation of requirements. Some libraries like SpiCy (internal dependency) need specific DLLs that are available in the latest updates.
  • A file containing the FAQs in JSON or CSV format. You can obtain this file in two ways:
    • Export the Knowledge Graph from XO Platform. Learn more.
    • Build the Knowledge Graph in a tabular form with questions in the first column and answers in the corresponding second column and save the file in CSV format.


  1. Download the Knowledge Graph Generator from GitHub.
  2. Extract the zip file into a folder and open the command prompt from that generator folder.
  3. Activate the virtual environment: Execute the following command replacing the placeholders with actual values to activate the virtual environment:
    1. For Windows: <virtual_environments_folder_location>/>virtualenv_name>/Scripts/activate
    2. For Unix/macOS: <virtual_environments_folder_location>/<virtualenv_name>/bin/activate.
  4. Once the virtual environment is activated, you can see the virtual environment name at the start of every command in the console.
  5. Install the requirements: Run the following command from your project root directory (KnowledgeGraphGenerator) in the virtual environment to install the requirements pip install -r requirements.txtYou can verify the installation by running the following command and ensuring that the list contains all the components mentioned in the requirement.txt file. pip list
  6. Download spacy English model: Run the following command to download spaCy, the NLP model. python -m spacy download en


Now that you have the prerequisites and have configured the Knowledge Graph Generator, let us see how to generate the Knowledge Graph.

The following command executes the generator:

python --file_path <INPUT_FILE_PATH> --type <INPUT_FILE_TYPE> --language <LANGUAGE_CODE> --v <true/false>

Let us look at each of the options:

Input File Path Input file name along with the location Mandatory
Input File Type The type of input file:
  • json_export – for files exported from Bot Builder using JSON Export option
  • csv_export – for files exported from Bot Builder using CSV Export option
  • CSV – for files with questions in the first column and answers in the respective second column
Language Code The language code for the language in which input data exist Optional en (English)
Verbose Mode Running a command in verbose mode to see intermediate progress steps Optional false


The output JSON file is generated and placed under the project root directory with the name ao_output.json

The output JSON file can directly be imported to Knowledge Graph in the bot.

See steps to import Knowledge Graph.


When you try to import the Knowledge Graph it replaces the existing one. We recommend you take a back up before importing.