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Ignore Words and Field Memory

Developers can include words for the NLP engine to ignore when interpreting the user input for a task. Assistants can then respond faster to user input and improve the probability of correct task recognition. The NLP engine comes pre-built with a large set of generic ignore words.

Manage an Alert Task

To manage this setting, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Conversation Intelligence > Conversation Management > Ignore Words & Field Memory. edit alert tasks for ignore words


This feature is available only if you create and configure an Alert/Action/Information task for the Assistant. Learn more.

  1. Edit each task in the Field Memory settings to persist its data and pre-populate the data in another related task for the same VA. For example, for a travel planning assistant, Get Wait Times for Boarding task, you can pre-populate task fields into the related task, Book a FastPass task.
  2. Additionally. configure words to ignore in the user input at the task level. For example, for a 7-day Weather Forecast task, you might want days of the week, such as Monday, Tuesday, and so forth to be ignored since all weekdays are included.
  3. Click a task name to show task fields that can be configured or edited for Field Memory and other field settings.
  4. The task fields are the parameters defined for the selected task. To define ignore words for a task, hover over the task, and then click the Edit icon.

Edit an Alert Task

To modify or add a configuration for a task, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Conversation Intelligence > Conversation Management > Ignore Words & Field Memory.
  2. Hover over the name of the task, and then click Edit. The Edit Task window is displayed.
  3. Turn Off Confirmation Messages – Select Yes to disable confirmation of the execution of a task when using NLP. When No is selected, the user is asked to confirm the task before running it.
  4. Ignore Words – Enter one or more ignore words for the task name. The list of words to ignore is processed by the XO Platform before interpreting the user input. This means the VA can respond faster to user input and provide the correct task by filtering out words that apply to many tasks but do not help to identify which task. For example, a user may input, I want to get the weather forecast for today. To return the correct task to the user, the XO Platform interpreter only needs to recognize three words, weather, forecast, and today. The rest of the words can be ignored. The interpreter is already defined with a set of generic ignore words, so words like I, you, want, get, etc., do not need to be defined as ignore words. If your assistant uses the same words for many or all tasks, for example, your company name, you might add your company name as an ignore word.
  5. Click Save to save the settings and close the Edit Task window.

Manage Field Memory for a Task

To add or edit Field Memory settings for a task, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Task Name to display the associated Task Fields; then click the Edit icon to display the Field Memory window. In the Field Memory dialog, you can specify the following options:
    • Entity Type – Select the type of data that the NLP interpreter should expect as input to enhance recognition and performance. Learn more.
    • Memory User-Provided Value – Enable or disable persistence of data provided by the user for a specified time. One of: No, do not memorize – The user’s data for this field is not persisted after the task is completed.Yes, memorize this value – The field value is persisted for the time specified in minutes.
  2. Click Save to save the settings and close the Field Memory window.