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Configuring the NiceInContact

NiceInContact is a customer experience (CX) platform. It helps companies and consumers create an end-to-end CX approach, combining digital entry points, prepared agents, and a complete performance suite. XO Platform’s NiceInContact Agent integration allows you to seamlessly hand off the virtual assistant conversations to your live agents on Nice Chat.

Use the configuration steps below as general guidelines to enable the NiceInContact Agent integration. You may notice minor differences based on the version of the NiceInContact you are using.

Overview’s virtual assistant (VA) serves as the central point of interaction for the users. The VA facilitates communication and interaction between the user and the NiceInContact agent. In addition to its regular capabilities, the VA acts as a proxy or intermediary between the users and the NiceInContact agents to hand over conversations seamlessly. The VA also allows you to integrate with the NiceInContact platform.


To configure the NiceInContact agent, follow the instructions in the sections below.

Step 1: Create a User in NiceInContact

To create a user, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to with your NiceInContact credentials.
  2. Click the Create New link under the Admin > Users menu and select the Single User option.

    Create new user

  3. Enter the following user details:

    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Email
    4. Username

    Enter user details

  4. Click Save and Continue.

  5. Remember the username and password for future use.

Step 2: Register an App and Retrieve an API Token

To retrieve an API token, you must register your application. Follow these steps to register the app and retrieve the API access token:

  1. Log in to with your NiceInContact credentials.
  2. In the NiceInContact Central website, under the ACD > ACD Configuration > API Applications menu and click Create New.
  3. Enter the Vendor Name and an Application Name to register your application.
  4. Enter the Vendor Name as PlatformIntegration and a relevant Application Name as PlatformInt.
  5. Under API scope, select only the PatronApi scope.

    API Scope - PatronApi

  6. Click Create API Application.

  7. Once the API app is created, copy the Application Secret and keep it for future use.

Step 3: Create a Point of Contact

To create a point of contact, follow these steps:

  1. From the main menu on the left, navigate to ACD > Contact > Point of Contact and click Create New and select the Single Point of Contact option.

    Create Single Point of Contact

  2. Select the Chat in the Media Type field.

  3. Enter Name and select the Skills and Script, and then click Create Point of Contact.
  4. Copy the Point of Contact key and keep it for future use.

    Preserve the Point of Contact key

Step 4: Enable the NiceInContact Agent

To enable the NiceInContact, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the XO Platform
  2. Select a Virtual Assistant for which you want to configure the NiceInContact agent.
  3. Navigate to App Settings > Integrations > Agent Transfer and click the NiceInContact.

  4. Click the Configurations tab and enter the following credentials for the NiceInContact Agent:

    1. Application Name: The name of the API application.
    2. Vendor Name: The name of the vendor that you entered in the application.
    3. Access Token: The secret ID for the NiceInContact, which was copied in step 2.
    4. Point Of Contact: The POC ID for the NiceInContact, which was copied in step 3.
  5. If you want to make NiceInContact the default agent, enable the Default Agent System for all bot channels option.

    Make NiceInContact the default agent


    This option is available only when multiple agents are configured for your VA.

  6. You can customize the channel mapping by clicking the Manage link, as shown below:

    Customizing channel mapping

  7. Click Manage to map the channels you want to use to the NiceInConact agent for handing over the conversations. To learn more about channel enablement, see Adding channels to your bot.

  8. After mapping channels, click Done.

    Customizing channel mapping - Done

  9. Click Save to enable the NiceInContact agent.

  10. Publish the VA. For more information, see Publishing Bot.


This section helps you verify how the conversations from the XO Platform are being handed over to the NiceInContact agent after enabling it.

To verify the data exchange between’s VA and NiceInContact agent, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to with user credentials which you created in Step 1.
  2. Navigate to Applications > Max to launch the Chat console.

    Launch chat console

  3. In the NiceInChat console, change the status from Unavailable to Available.

    Change status to Available

  4. Click Connect to start exchanging the conversation from XO platform and NiceInContact.

    Start conversation

  5. Open a virtual assistant for which you have enabled the NiceInContact agent.

  6. Create a new Agent Transfer Node task. For example, create a Talk to Live Agent task with the LiveChats node and configure it to use the Nice agent. For more information, see Agent Transfer Node.

    Create new Agent Transter Node task

  7. Click the Talk to Bot icon to launch the VA and enter Help.

  8. Once you invoke the agent transfer dialog, the NiceInContact Chat receives a notification alert.
  9. When a user initiates the chat from the VA, it transfers the conversation to the NiceInContact agent and sends a message to the user. Agent receives a notification about this on NiceInContact.
  10. Now, the connection between the NiceInContact agent and the user has been established, and the conversation continues.

    Connection established between NiceInContact agent and user