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Configuring the Microsoft Graph Action

You can use Microsoft Graph to create, view, and update events and to-do lists, and send emails to users. Click the Microsoft Graph link to learn more. .

This article explains how to enable, authorize, configure, and install the Microsoft Graph pre-built templates.

Authorizations Supported

The XO Platform supports basic authentication to allow a Microsoft Graph integration to exchange data. For more information, see Bot Authorization Overview. The XO Platform supports the following authorization types for the Microsoft Graph integration:

  • Pre-Authorize the Integration – To make the integration process smoother for developers and customers, you can pre-authorize it by providing the necessary authorization credentials to obtain the access token..
  • Allow Users to Authorize the Integration – This method requires the end user to provide credentials during the conversation for authorization. This authorization process involves requesting permission for’s Microsoft Graph app to access an access token at runtime.


The Microsoft Graph integration can be authorized only for the Developer and the Enterprise editions. You cannot authorize Microsoft Graph’s Trial edition. To learn more about Microsoft Graph account types, see Microsoft Graph documentation.

Authorization Type Basic OAuth
Pre-authorize the Integration Yes
Allow Users to Authorize the Integration Yes

Step 1: Enable the Microsoft Graph Action


Before enabling the Microsoft Graph actions, complete the following prerequisites:

  • Create a developer account in Microsoft Graph and note down login credentials. Use the Microsoft Graph Documentation for more information.
  • Copy the Client ID, Client Secret Key, Authorization URL, and Call back URL and keep them ready to enable the Microsoft Graph integration.

Steps to enable the Microsoft Graph action:

  1. Go to App Settings > Integrations > Actions.
  2. In the Available region, select the Microsoft Graph action.

Pre-authorize the Integration


You can authorize the integration using developer credentials. The developer authorization lets you authorize the integration with the preconfigured’s app or use the custom authorization profile to allow a developer to configure the integration.

Steps to authorize a Microsoft Graph action using developer credentials:

  1. Go to App Settings > Integrations > Actions and select the Microsoft Graph action.
  2. In the Configurations dialog, select the Authorization tab.
  3. Authorization Type – Select the Pre-authorize the Integration option, and then select the OAuth option.
    Authorization type-OAuth

    System Authorization

    Pre-authorize Microsoft Graph integration with the necessary authorization credentials to obtain the token to access external services.

    • Select the System card to enable the’s preconfigured Microsoft Graph app and click Authorize.
      Enable the’s preconfigured Microsoft Graph app

    • Once you click Authorize, you are redirected to

    • Enter your developer account credentials to successfully connect with your Microsoft Graph Account.
    • Click the Allow Access button to use’s app to fetch the access token to complete the authorization.

    Custom Authorization

    Create your custom authorization profile to obtain an access token and use it to complete integration without using’s Microsoft Graph app for authorization.

    • Select Custom to enable the custom authorization profile.
    • Click the Select Authorization drop-down and select the Create New option.
      Create new authorization

    • Select the type of authorization mechanism. For example, select the OAuth v2 option. To create custom OAuth profiles, read the Setting Up Authorization Using OAuth v2 article.
      Auth mechanism type

    • Enter the following authentication credentials for the OAuth v2 mechanism:

      • Call back URL – The call back URL of the XO Platform.
      • Identity Provider Name – The name of your custom authorization profile.
      • Client ID – The client ID of the Microsoft App that you created in the Azure Portal.
      • Client Secret Key – The client secret value of the Microsoft App that you can generate in the Azure portal.
      • Authorization URL – The authorization URL of the Microsoft Azure Portal.
      • Token Request URL – The token request URL of the Microsoft Azure Portal.
      • Scope – You must enter this scope value:

        email Mail.ReadWrite Mail.Send offline_access openid profile User.Read Tasks.ReadWrite Calendars.ReadWrite MailboxSettings.Read

      • Refresh Token URL – The refresh token URL of the Microsoft Azure Portal.

      To register an Azure App, read the Adding the Microsoft Teams Channel article.

      Auth credentials

  4. Click Save Auth to save Authorization Profile.

  5. Select the new Authorization Profile, which you created to enable integration.
    Select auth profile to enable integration

  6. Once you click Authorize, you are redirected to

  7. Enter login credentials to connect with your Microsoft Graph Account.
  8. Click the Allow Access button if prompted to let your custom app fetch the access token to complete the authorization.
  9. Once the authorization is successful, you will see a success message.
  10. Click Enable. When you configure the action for the first time, the Integration Successful pop-up is displayed.
    Integration enabled


The Microsoft Graph action is moved from Available to Configured region.

Allow End User to Authorize

You can authorize the integration at a user level with their login credentials. The user authorization process involves requesting permission for’s Microsoft Graph app to access an access token at runtime. You can also use the custom authorization profile to fetch the access token based on user credentials.

Steps to authorize a Microsoft Graph action at a user level:

  1. Go to App Settings > Integrations > Actions, and select the Microsoft Graph action.
  2. In the Configurations dialog, select the Authorization tab.
  3. Authorization Type – Select the Allow Users to Authorize the Integration option, and then select OAuth option.
    Auth type - OAuth

    System Authorization

    The end user has to provide credentials during the conversation to authorize users for Microsoft Graph integration to obtain the access token.

    • Select the System card to enable the’s preconfigured Microsoft Graph app.
      Enable the’s preconfigured Microsoft Graph

    • Once you click the Enable button, a link is sent to the end user to authorize the integration.

    • Click the link and enter the login credentials to allow the user to authorize the integration

    Custom Authorization

    Create your custom authorization profile to obtain an access token and use it to complete integration without using’s Microsoft Graph app for authorization.

    • Select Custom to enable the custom authorization profile.
    • Click the Select Authorization drop-down and select the Create New option. Follow the instructions in the Custom Authorization section.
    • You can also select an existing authorization profile as shown below:
      Existing auth profile

    • Click the Enable button. The users will see the authorize option during the runtime.

Step 2: Install the Microsoft Graph Action Templates

Once you have configured a Microsoft Graph Integration, you can explore and install action templates.

Steps to install action templates:

  1. On the Integration Successful dialog, click the Explore Templates button to view the templates.
    Explore templates

  2. In the Integration Templates dialog, click the Install button to begin the installation.
    Begin installation

  3. Once the template is installed, click the Go to Dialog button to view the dialog task.

  4. Once all templates are installed, a dialog task for each template is auto-created.
    Dialog task for each template

  5. Select the desired dialog task from the templates and click Proceed. For example, select the List All Events task.
    Select desired dialog task

  6. Once you click Proceed, the dialog task is auto-created, and the canvas opens with all required entity nodes, service nodes, and message scripts.