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Connector APIs

Get Connectors

This API returns the list of connectors configured for an application. For each connector, it provides the basic details like name and type of connector, record count in the connector, etc.

Method GET
Endpoint <host_url>/api/public/bot/:botId/connectors
Content-Type application/json
Authorization auth: <JWT Token>
API Scope Permission Entity

Query Parameters

Parameters Description Mandatory
Bot ID Provide your application ID here. Yes
skip Number of records to skip from the beginning (used for pagination) No
limit Number of records to fetch in a single call (used for pagination) No

Sample Response

    "connectors": [
            "_id": "fcon-73d16e4a-282a-5c41-9ca7-8aec4dd04c63",
            "name": "myConnector",
            "type": "json",
            "createdBy": "",
            "isActive": true,
            "sourceId": "fs-cf813bb4-xxxxxxxx-bf25-604c528f9782",
            "resourceid": "findlyConnectors",
            "recordsCount": 1,
            "size": 1
    "hasMore": false