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Get All Conversations Data – Call Details

To retrieve the raw data for all conversations in a very detailed view. The days’ range cannot be more than seven days.

Method POST
Endpoin**t https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/public/analytics/account/{{accountId}}/v2/interactionDetails
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}
See How to generate the JWT Token
API Scope SmartAssist Analytics

Path Parameters

host Environment URL, for example, string, required
accountId The Account Id string, required

Query Parameters

limit The number of conversations to be displayed in the response. The default value is 100. For example, 50 integer, optional
offset The number of responses the documents need to Skip. The default value is 0. For example, 10 integer, optional

Sample Requests

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'authority:' \
--header 'accept: application/json, text/plain, /' \
--header 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' \
--header 'accountid: 65269fe0dd9c622245c1xxxx' \
--header 'app-language: en' \
--header 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--header 'referer:
SmartAssist ' \
--header 'auth: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6ImNzLTUxZWE1ZGYyLTY3NDItNTlmNi1iNjg1LWUyNTJmNDE5ZjBlMyJ9.DAPhx_h32KPSoylUfGWpjQS2tITBcBxNYAEwPJWxxxx' \
--data-raw '{

Body Parameters

startDate The start date from which the records need to be considered. DateTime, required
The date format is: yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mm:ss
For Example, 2022-08-25 07:20:15
endDate The end date from which the records need to be considered. DateTime, required
The date format is: yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mm:ss
For Example, 2022-08-25 18:20:15
timeZoneOffset The time zone offset. number, required
For Example, -330,630,-500
NOTE: If the user is in US/New York, then his timeZoneOffset would be 300. For the -ve numbers use the ‘-‘ sign, and for +ve numbers don’t use the sign. For timeZones east of GMT use the -ve sign, for the timeZones west of GMT don’t use any sign.
channels The different channels. array[string], optional
For Example, ['rtm', 'voice']
queues The list of queue ids in the instance bots. array[string], optional
bots The list of instance bot ids in the account. array[string], optional

Sample Response

    "numResults": 13,
    "data": [
            "sessionId": "66c97ba342aad0ced15fxxxx",
            "channel": "AgentAssistV2",
            "sessionStartTime": "2024-08-24T11:50:19",
            "sessionEndTime": "2024-08-24T11:50:19",
            "botId": "st-24ccdea9-de4e-5139-923f-883c53ffxxxx",
            "userId": "u-1a94ad5b-741f-5f58-bf94-74065b30xxxx",
            "channelSpecificUserId": "65269fe0dd9c622245c1xxxx/agentassist/c-221bca2-cbe8-4996-8216-187e1a69xxxx",
            "orgId": "o-2d494e9d-b8f6-55d2-844e-a5bc4ca3xxxx",
            "finalStatus": "BotResolved"
            "conversationId": "c-4c93422-e5d3-4e99-9d3c-e1e30238xxxx",
            "sessionId": "66c9a55754638e543c37xxxx",
            "channel": "voice",
            "isVoicemail": "NO",
            "Direction": "Inbound",
            "finalStatus": "CLOSED",
            "botId": "st-24ccdea9-de4e-5139-923f-883c53ffxxxx",
            "dispositions": [
            "dispositionRemarks": [
                "The customer had an issue with their internet service. They were unable to connect to the internet and were experiencing slow speeds. The customer also mentioned that they had been experiencing this issue for a while. The customer was frustrated with the situation and expressed their dissatisfaction with the service. The bot acknowledged the issue and informed the customer that an agent would be required to assist them further. The conversation ended with the customer being asked to hold while an available agent was found."
            "metaInfo": {
                "caller": "+18448735673",
                "callee": "+16095344861",
                "callerHost": "",
                "userId": "u-df4d1529-ae2d-58e2-8759-f748e232xxxx",
                "dialedNumber": "+16095344861",
                "agentTransferConfig": {
                    "skillsIds": [],
                    "overrideAgents": false,
                    "overrideValues": [],
                    "assistEvents": {
                        "startEvent": {
                            "isEnabled": false
                    "lastIntentName": "ConnectToAgent",
                    "automationBotId": "st-06e05f6e-5fd0-58fa-8e16-7e7c33acxxxx",
                    "accountId": "65269fe0dd9c622245c1xxxx"
                "workinghours": {
                    "workdays": "mon,tue,wed,thu,fri",
                    "workstart": "8:00 AM",
                    "workend": "5:00 PM"
                "profImage": "no-avatar",
                "profColour": "#00ff7f",
                "jTitle": "",
                "dept": "",
                "activationStatus": "active",
                "firstName": "",
                "lastName": "",
                "orgId": "o-33749baa-f662-5ae8-b506-4b3bf787xxxx",
                "_id": "u-df4d1529-ae2d-58e2-8759-f748e232xxxx",
                "identities": [
                        "val": "cs-ab30569a-ee38-5408-a0ea-43398a16xxxx/259034b7-0d08-487d-a451-aaf5de2dxxxx",
                        "type": "mapped"
                        "val": "65269fe0dd9c622245c1xxxx/korevg/259034b7-0d08-487d-a451-aaf5de2dxxxx",
                        "type": "mapped"
            "sessionStartTime": "2024-08-24T14:48:15",
            "sessionEndTime": "2024-08-24T14:50:48",
            "channelSpecificUserId": "65269fe0dd9c622245c1xxxx/korevg/259034b7-0d08-487d-a451-aaf5de2dxxxx",
            "userId": "u-df4d1529-ae2d-58e2-8759-f748e232xxxx",
            "destinations": [
                    "destinationType": "QueueEntry",
                    "queueId": "qu-77506d0-c529-4a71-a007-cc718742xxxx",
                    "queueName": "Default Queue",
                    "EnterTime": "2024-08-24T14:48:16",
                    "respondingAgent": {
                        "agentId": "u-f2f39007-4c2c-54dc-9233-86a63c82xxxx",
                        "agentNotes": [],
                        "destinationType": "AgentSegment",
                        "status": "Answered",
                        "firstResponseTime": "2024-08-24T14:48:33",
                        "firstResponseDuration": 0,
                        "interactionEndTime": "2024-08-24T14:48:53",
                        "interactionDuration": 20,
                        "ConsultingAgents": [],
                        "JoinedUsers": [
                                "agentId": "u-85041b83-16bd-55ca-a95d-24968945xxxx",
                                "email": "",
                                "name": "detective agent1",
                                "joinedAt": "2024-08-24T14:48:47",
                                "end": "2024-08-24T14:48:56"
                        "email": "",
                        "name": "new account",
                        "acceptedTime": "2024-08-24T14:48:33",
                        "assignedAt": "2024-08-24T14:48:30"

Response Parameters

conversationId An ID generated by Contact center AI for this conversation. For example, c-7b078889-539d-408d-a3e6-9e6ae05946ba type-prefixed-guid
sessionId A bot-generated ID for this conversation. For example, 63bd199c197b3646dadee11b internal value
channel Name of the channel. For example, Web / Mobile Client character string
finalStatus Completion status of the conversation. For example, CLOSED character string
botId An ID of the bot. It is also called Stream ID. For example, st-ae8470ab-8ecb-51fb-8e13-c87dc66f4ae4 type-prefixed-guid
dispositions Disposition codes. For example, [ “ESCALATED” ] array of strings
dispositionRemarks Final remarks from the agent. For example, [” CUSTOMER needs help with Products and Sales. AGENT will connect her with an agent.”] array of strings
metaInfo Custom information, set by the automation. object
sessionStartTime Start time of the session. For example, 2023/01/10 2:25:54 YYYY-MM-DDTHH🇲🇲SS
sessionEndTime End time of the session. For example, 2023/01/10 2:25:54 YYYY-MM-DDTHH🇲🇲SS
channelSpecificUserId user ID passed by the channel. no specific format
userId Contact Center AI's own generated user ID. For example, u-8413fd99-4ded-5f6d-8c1a-176dc66e526 type-prefixed-guid
destinations One object for each Queue or Agent that the call was transferred to. array of objects
destination.destinationType Destination for any transfer – to distinguish a direct-to-agent transfer from a transfer to queue. QueueEntry | AgentSegment
csatScore CSAT score assigned by the customer (1 – 5). For example, 3 integer
csatFeedback Survey comment entered by the customer. string
QueueEntry.queueId Contact Center AI's internal ID for the Queue. For example, qu-123dbe9-c752-464d-a9be-1d0e43b670a5 type-prefixed-guid
QueueEntry.queueName Name of the queue. For example, Residential – Sales character string
QueueEntry.EnterTime The time at which this conversation entered this queue. For example, 2023/01/10 2:25:54 YYYY-MM-DDTHH🇲🇲SS
QueueEntry.respondingAgent Details of the responding agent. an AgentSegment object
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.agentId Contact Center AI's internal ID for the agent. For example, u-f3a11f62-57d7-5a9f-a071-787650b17b34 type-prefixed-guid The agent’s name. For example, Jared Smith character string
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.agentNotes Notes from each agent. For example, [“CUSTOMER has a problem with Products and Sales. She needs an agent to help her.”] array of strings
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.destinationType A constant value. AgentSegment The agent’s email address. For example,
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.assignedAt The time at which the Queue assigned this contact to this Agent. For example, 2023/01/10 2:25:54 YYYY-MM-DDTHH🇲🇲SS
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.acceptedTime The time at which this Agent accepted this contact. For example, 2023/01/10 2:25:54 YYYY-MM-DDTHH🇲🇲SS
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.status Status of the conversation with this respondingAgent. Answered
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.firstResponseTime The time at which this Agent first responded. For example, 2023/01/10 2:25:54 YYYY-MM-DDTHH🇲🇲SS
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.firstResponseDuration Duration in seconds, from the time of Agent’s acceptance to the time of his first response. For example, 20 integer
QueueEntry.respondingAgent.interactionEndTime The time at which the interaction with this respondingAgent ended. For example, 2023/01/10 2:25:54 YYYY-MM-DDTHH🇲🇲