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Create an Agent

To add an agent with the given Stream Id.

Endpoint https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/v1/public/{{streamId}}/agents
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}
See How to generate the JWT Token
API Scope SmartAssist Analytics

Path Parameters

host Environment URL, for example, string, required
BotId BotId or StreamId. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot. string, required
customId The customID of the agent, without any special characters or spaces, and up to 15 characters long. string, optional

Sample Request

curl --location --request POST 'https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/v1/public/{{streamId}}/agents' \
      --header 'auth: {jwt-code}' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-raw '{
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "callRegion": "JP",
  "agentAffinity": false,
  "canSupportChat": true,
  "attachmentsEnabled": true,
  "emojisEnabled": true,
  "roleId": "6344eb107b65bd738aa6xxxx",
  "chatLanguageSupport": [
      "isActive": true,
      "language": "en",
      "proficiency": "expert"
  "canSupportVoice": true,
  "voiceLanguageSupport": [
      "isActive": true,
      "language": "en",
      "proficiency": "expert"
  "desktopLayouts": [
      "isDefault": true,
      "name": "Default Layout",
      "id": "ly-59736ed-eaac-40d6-8c5b-db294b10xxxx"
      "isDefault": false,
      "name": "test1",
      "id": "ly-2a591ae-5021-4e25-a9be-9997e585xxxx"
  "userId": "u-cc128d1c-a846-5acb-b075-9fc49a73xxxx",
  "accountId": "633ffa91d784f471d0b8xxxx",
  "createdBy": "u-ca2cc57f-5c2b-5437-bb07-fe9020d8xxxx",
  "orgId": "o-f7507858-f354-504a-b56b-39464fb0xxxx",
  "agentGroups": [
      "groupId": "ag-bdc4010-e237-48e6-bb72-d3449a03xxxx",
      "role": "agent"
  "lastOnlineAt": "2022-10-11T04:06:41.286Z",
  "createdAt": "2022-10-07T10:10:39.231Z",
  "updatedAt": "2022-10-12T10:48:53.418Z",
  "onlineStatus": "Available",
  "onlineStatusType": "AVAILABLE",
  "id": "a-1a36a7e-bb33-4bcc-ab7b-ac337738xxxx",
  "emailId": "",
  "firstName": "test",
  "lastName": "agent 01",
  "nickName": "test agent 01",
  "phoneNumber": "91234567890",
  "profImage": "no-avatar",
  "sipURI": "sip:supportdevelopment227@",
  "skills": [
      "skillId": "633ffac608f3a0745993xxxx",
      "proficiencyLevel": "expert",
      "userId": "u-cc128d1c-a846-5acb-b075-9fc49a73xxxx",
      "createdBy": "u-ca2cc57f-5c2b-5437-bb07-fe9020d8xxxx",
      "accountId": "633ffa91d784f471d0b8xxxx",
      "orgId": "o-f7507858-f354-504a-b56b-39464fb0xxxx",
      "createdAt": "2022-10-12T10:48:53.468Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-10-12T10:48:53.468Z",
      "id": "63469b95b63e3c0ed3e3xxxx",
      "name": "Default Skill",
      "skillGroupName": "Default SkillGroup",
      "skillGroupColor": "#D2000D"
  "queues": [
      "id": "qu-353c014-96bb-4c3e-aebd-87a37927xxxx",
      "name": "Default Queue",
      "description": "queue description",
      "isPreferredAgent": true
  "maxDigitalChatSupport": 5,
  "maxEmailChatSupport": 2,
  "maxMessagingChatSupport": 3

Body Parameters

emaiId The Email Id of the agent. email, required
firstName The First Name of the agent up to 50 characters long. string, required
lastName The Last Name of the agent up to 50 characters long. string, required
nickName The Nick Name of the agent up to 50 characters long. string, optional
phoneNumber The Phone number of the agent. string, required
profImage The file Id of the profile image to be set. string, optional
agentGroupId The Id of the agent group which you can find with GET /agent-groups. string, required
canSupportChat It tells whether the agent supports chat. boolean, pptional
canSupportVoice It tells whether the agent can support the voice chat. boolean, optional
voiceLanguageSupport An array of Objects with the following details. array, required
language The Language supported. string, required
proficiency The Proficiency level which can be: expert, novice, average, good. string, required
isActive It tells whether this support is active. boolean, optional
chatLanguageSupport Array of Objects with the following details. array, required
language The Language supported. string, required
proficiency The Proficiency level which can be: expert, novice, average, good. string, required
isActive It tells whether this support is active. boolean, optional
skills Array of Objects which you can find with GET /skills. Required
skillId The Skill Id. string, required
proficiencyLevel The Proficiency level which can be: expert, novice, average, good. string, required
roleId The Role id which you can find with GET /roles. string, optional
desktopLayouts Array of Objects which can find with GET /layouts. It contains the following details. optional
id The desktop Layout Id. string, optional
isPreferredAgent It tells whether this is a preferred agent. boolean, optional
createDefaultLayoutAndAssign It tells whether to create and assign the default layout. boolean, optional

Sample Response

  "emailId": "",
  "firstName": "Amanda",
  "lastName": "Jones",
  "nickName": "Amanda",
  "phoneNumber": 13456782345,
  "profImage": "5ff233123124xxxx",
  "agentGroupId": "ag-3234fsdf2131241xxxx",
  "canSupportChat": true,
  "maxChatSupport": 5,
  "canSupportVoice": true,
  "attachmentsEnabled": true,
  "emojisEnabled": true,
  "roleId": "6ff233123124xxxx",
  "chatLanguageSupport": [
      "language": "en",
      "proficiency": "expert",
      "isActive": true
  "voiceLanguageSupport": [
      "language": "es",
      "proficiency": "expert",
      "isActive": true
  "skills": [
      "skillId": "s-2122xxxx",
      "proficiencyLevel": "expert",
      "userId": "u-f9e37b9c-66d5-5525-9df1-da0edbeaxxxx",
      "createdBy": "u-f9e37b9c-66d5-5525-9df1-da0edbeaxxxx",
      "orgId": "o-cff7fba7-ebf6-5b01-81a3-42bd24faxxxx",
      "accountId": "62cd37c6f35860734283xxxx",
      "id": "62cd41c87e03db706718xxxx",
      "name": "Default Skill",
      "skillGroupName": "Default SkillGroup",
      "skillGroupColor": "#D2000D"
  "desktopLayouts": [
      "id": "ly-de35d82-7323-4420-b893-c35b5175xxxx",
      "isDefault": true
  "queues": [
      "id": "qu-80ac056-57db-420b-b937-9581dd20xxxx",
      "isPreferredAgent": true
  "createDefaultLayoutAndAssign": true,
  "orgId": "o-89381108-2ea3-53a2-a422-b8992bbaxxxx",
  "userId": "u-021655cc-4cd6-524b-b42a-1bed8b5cxxxx",
  "callRegion": "JP",
  "maxDigitalChatSupport": 5,
  "maxEmailChatSupport": 5,
  "maxMessagingChatSupport": 5