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Create a Queue

To create a queue with the given streamId.

Endpoints https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/v1/public/{{streamId}}/queues
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}
See How to generate the JWT Token.
API Scope Configuration

Path Parameters

host Environment URL, for example, string, required
streamId You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot. string, required

Sample Request

curl --location 'http://{{host}}/agentassist/api/v1/public/st-d2aa65cc-a2d2-5b6d-84d7-861509e2xxxx/queues' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'accountId: 649bdcaf5037ed113942xxxx' \
--header 'auth: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwiYXBwSWQiOiJjcy0zOWNkNmJhMC1mNmVlLTViYWUtOWI3ZC03M2I0YmE5N2FjOGIifQ.LAiNcKfUNeDaAtPei1nD6JZJbnEGsv1BKo1pQUexxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "isActive": true,
    "isDefault": false,
    "name": "11111122",
    "isAdvancedRoutingEnabled": true,
    "description": "queue2",
    "orgId": "o-a5f1f5a9-2244-5bc7-adf8-bd5e6519xxxx",
    "hoursOfOperation": {
        "id": "649bdd219d557c241ad0xxxx",
        "name": ""
    "agents": [
            "userId": "u-be1f62a6-1ea6-59eb-8cae-831edd2xxxx",
            "isPreferredAgent": true,
            "aId": "a-ee9919b-9343-48eb-a951-1085e06xxxx",
            "name": "kjhdkjhsddjk kjadksddjk",
            "id": ""
    "skills": [{
"id": "123",
"name": "",
"isExpireEnabled": true,
"expireTime": {
"min": "1",
"sec": "0"
    "agentGroups": [],
    "advancedSettings": {
        "preferredAgentTimeout": {

        "isSkillMatchEnabled": true,
        "isAffinityMatchEnabled": true
    "maxTimeout": {
        "min": 10,
        "sec": 0

Sample Response

  "isActive": true,
  "isDefault": true,
  "name": "Queue1",
  "isAdvancedRoutingEnabled": true,
  "description": "queue description",
  "orgId": "o-cff7fba7-ebf6-5b01-81a3-42bd24faxxxx",
  "createdBy": "u-f9e37b9c-66d5-5525-9df1-da0edbeaxxxx",
  "id": "qu-268eda9-ba47-4b03-ab29-d1909c38xxxx",
  "hoursOfOperation": {
    "id": "h-e8e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx",
    "name": "US West Coast"
  "agents": [
      "userId": "u-e8e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx",
      "name": "Charlie Abraham",
      "isPreferredAgent": false,
      "hoursOfOperation": {
        "hoursOfOperationId": "h-e8e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx",
        "name": "US West Coast"
      "skills": [
          "id": "s-e1e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx",
          "name": "SILVER"
          "id": "s-e1e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx",
          "name": "GOLD"
          "id": "s-e1e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx",
          "name": "CLOSE ACCOUNT"
      "userId": "u-e8e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx",
      "name": "Sandra Jones",
      "isPreferredAgent": true,
      "hoursOfOperation": {
        "hoursOfOperationId": "h-e8e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx",
        "name": "US West Coast"
      "skills": [
          "id": "s-e1e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx",
          "name": "SILVER"
          "id": "s-e1e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx",
          "name": "GOLD"
          "id": "s-e1e22e03-fe32-5748-b830-02d161a3xxxx",
          "name": "UPDATE ACCOUNT"
  "skills": [
      "id": "5ff233123124xxxx",
      "name": "SILVER",
      "isExpireEnabled": true,
      "expireTime": {
        "min": 10,
        "sec": 20
      "skillGroupName": "Test",
      "skillGroupColor": "#070707"
      "id": "4df233123124xxxx",
      "name": "CLOSE ACCOUNT",
      "isExpireEnabled": false,
      "skillGroupName": "Test",
      "skillGroupColor": "#060606"
  "agentGroups": [
      "id": "ag-ec83505-5152-494d-8071-3b68513cxxxx",
      "name": "Default Queue"
      "id": "ag-ec83505-5152-494d-8071-3b68513cxxxx",
      "name": "Queue One"
  "sourceAgentGroups": [
  "advancedSettings": {
    "preferredAgentTimeout": {
      "min": 10,
      "sec": 20
    "isSkillMatchEnabled": true,
    "isAffinityMatchEnabled": true

Body Parameters

name Name of the queue. string, required
description Brief description of the queue. string, optional
isAdvancedRoutingEnabled Boolean value to know if advanced routing is enabled or not. boolean, optional
hoursOfOperation Hours of operation ID. string, required
hoursOfOperation Hours of operation Name. string, optional
agents User ID of the agent. You can get this from GET /agents api. string, required
agents Agent ID. You can get this from GET /agents api. string, required
agents Name of the agent. string, optional
agents Indicates if the agent is a preferred agent or not. boolean, required
skills Skill ID. You can get this from GET /skills api. string, required
skills Name of the Skill. string, optional
skills Indicates if the skill should expire or not. boolean, required
skills Time for skill expiration if enabled. object, optional
agentGroups An array of objects containing agentGroupIds. array, optional
advancedSettings Preferred agent timeout settings. object, optional
advancedSettings Indicates if skill match is enabled. boolean, optional
advancedSettings Indicates if agent affinity match is enabled. boolean, optional
enableTransferRules Indicates whether transfer rules are enabled. boolean, optional
transferQueues An array containing queueIds for transfer. array, optional