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Get User Information

To retrieve the user details.


This API requires JWT generated by an application created only from the Bot Admin Console. This feature was introduced in ver7.1 of the platform.

Method POST
Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/public/usersInfo
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}

See How to generate the JWT Token.

API Scope
  • Bot Builder: Not Applicable
  • Admin Console: User Management > User Management

Path Parameters

host Environment URL, for example,

Sample Request

curl -X POST \
  https://{{host}}/api/public/usersInfo \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "emailIds": [

Body Parameters

emailIds The array of email id’s for each user whose information is sought
Status (optional) Indicates the status of the user. Possible values:
  • active: active users
  • not active: not active users
  • all: both active and not active users; this is the default status, including when the Status parameter is not included in the request.

Sample Response

  • For success case:

           "canCreateBot": true,
            "isDeveloper": true,
            "userInfo": {
                "emailId": "",
                "userId": "u-575f16b0-c4c5-5f3c-a740-06288c67dec1",
                "firstName": "",
                "lastName": ""
                "status": "active",
                "lastLogin": "2023-08-08T05:55:56.698Z"
            "roles": {
                "btRoles": [
                        "roleId": "5d9d920dabdc1e6e8ec99342",
                        "roleName": "sample bot role 2",
                        "groups": [],
                        "botId": "st-16511425-15c5-5cdf-b652-a796db7d134b",
                        "botName": "bot6ent"
                        "roleId": "5bb1ef53e6519fa9f722e69b",
                        "roleName": "Bot Tester",
                        "groups": [
                        "botId": "st-ac60188d-cdf4-5e58-a249-178e54cd85b7",
                        "botName": "dashboardtest"
                        "roleId": "5d9d8db30d54920a8df1e68b",
                        "roleName": "sample bot role1",
                        "groups": [],
                        "botId": "st-b8525f88-6dd3-54a7-8a97-734ecb748733",
                        "botName": "bot5ent"
                "adminRoles": [
                        "roleId": "5cd4081158217217cccabb7e",
                        "roleName": "admin",
                        "groups": []
                        "roleId": "5d9d8d930d54920a8df1e689",
                        "roleName": "sample admin role1",
                        "groups": []
            "assignBotTasks": [
                    "botId": "st-xxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxx",
                    "dialogs": [
                    "actions": [],
                    "alerts": [],
                    "knowledgeTask": []
            "groups": [
                    "groupId": "e-06b41cdd-7678-5394-b958-40ca5662f502",
                    "groupName": "group1"

  • Failure case:

[   {
        "userInfo": {
            "emailId": "a3q4",
            "status": "failure",
            "reason": {
                "statusCode": 400,
                "status": 400,
                "customCode": 400,
                "errors": [
                        "msg": "User not found. Please check the provided email address.",
                        "code": 400
                "_headers": {},
                "message": "User not found. Please check the provided email address.",
                "name": "BadRequest"