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Find Intent API

To fetch the intent recognition result and the scores from NLP and ML engines.

Method POST
Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/v1.1/rest/bot/{{BotID}}/findIntent?fetchConfiguredTasks=false
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}

See How to generate the JWT Token.

API Scope
  • Bot Builder: Intent and Entity Detection
  • Admin Console: Intent Identification > Intent and Entity Detection

Path Parameters

host Required Environment URL, for example,
BotID Required Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot.
fetchConfiguredTasks Required true if you want to fetch the intents from configured tasks in the bot and false if you want to fetch only for the published tasks

Bot Language

Optionally, if multi-language is enabled for the Bot, you need to pass the bot-language header with the language code such as en, zh_cn etc. If the language code is not passed for a multi-lingual Bot, then the default language of the Bot will be considered.

bot-header: {{lang-code}}

Sample Request

curl -X POST \
  'https://{{host}}/api/v1.1/rest/bot/{{BotID}}/findIntent?fetchConfiguredTasks=false' \
  -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
  -H 'auth: {{YOUR_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN}}'\ 
  -H "bot-language:{{lang-code}}" \
  -d '{
     "parentIntent": "{{parent intent}}",
     "input": "{{user utterance}}",
     "streamName": "{{bot name}}"

Body Parameters

parentIntent Optional To detect a sub-intent in the context of another intent
input Required The user utterance to find the matching intents

Example: Create a task

streamName Required The name of the bot

Example: JIRA Bot

bot-language Optional The bot language, for example, “en” for English and “de” for German.

Sample Response

    "request": {
        "input": "book a ticket",
        "streamName": "Public APIs"
    "response": {
        "usedtime": 313,
        "debugTitle": "Intent Match Successful: 'Book a ticket'",
        "result": "successintent",
        "messageStoreId": "xxx",
        "bot": "Public APIs",
        "botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
        "task": "Book a ticket",
        "taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646",
        "intentStatus": "published",
        "subType": "dialog",
        "input": [
            "book a ticket"
        "identifiedVia": "cs em",
        "language": "en",
        "userId": "u-5dad2ccd-b271-5c00-a338-2e6e25e1ec91",
        "time": "2019-06-27T11:48:28.250Z",
        "_id": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5",
        "traits": {},
        "toneAnalysis": {},
        "nlProcessing": {
            "originalInput": "book a ticket",
            "canonical": "book a ticket",
            "wordAnalysis": [
                    "word": "book",
                    "ignored": false,
                    "pos": "Verb_infinitive ",
                    "role": "MAINVERB ",
                    "original": "book",
                    "processedWord": "book"
                    "word": "a",
                    "ignored": true,
                    "pos": "Determiner ",
                    "original": "a",
                    "processedWord": "a"
                    "word": "ticket",
                    "ignored": false,
                    "pos": "Noun_singular ",
                    "role": "MAINOBJECT ",
                    "original": "ticket",
                    "processedWord": "ticket"
        "ml": {
            "namedEntityRecognition": []
        "fm": {
            "definitive": [
                    "count": 2,
                    "score": 11643.33,
                    "botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
                    "botname": "Public APIs",
                    "activity": "Book a ticket",
                    "activityType": 1,
                    "exactcount": 2,
                    "labelsize": 2,
                    "ignorewords": 1,
                    "mask": 66306,
                    "words": {
                        "book": [
                        "ticket": [
                    "priority": 2,
                    "tense": 8192,
                    "mainRoles": 10,
                    "sentencelength": 3,
                    "ignorewordlist": {
                        "a": 1
                    "maskEntity": 66306,
                    "firstwordmatch": "book",
                    "details": {
                        "0": {
                            "1": {
                                "labelword": "book",
                                "inputwords": {
                                    "1": "book"
                                "wordindex": [
                                "foundexact": true,
                                "bestwordindex": 1,
                                "role": 2,
                                "pos": 2200096997376,
                                "tense": 8192,
                                "ageLevel": 1,
                                "commonness": 6
                            "2": {
                                "labelword": "ticket",
                                "inputwords": {
                                    "3": "ticket"
                                "wordindex": [
                                "foundexact": true,
                                "bestwordindex": 3,
                                "role": 8,
                                "pos": 2147483680,
                                "tense": 8192,
                                "ageLevel": 1,
                                "commonness": 5
                    "hasNoun": true,
                    "hasVerb": true,
                    "ageLevel": 1,
                    "foundFmEngine": true,
                    "scoreBreakdown": {
                        "wordMatch": 500,
                        "exactWords": 60,
                        "coverage": 2000,
                        "sentenceBonus": 4000,
                        "positionBonus": 733.33,
                        "orderBonus": 100,
                        "spreadBonus": 800,
                        "roleBonus": 2900,
                        "faqQuestionBonus": 0,
                        "mlMatchBonus": 0,
                        "tasktypeBonus": 50,
                        "matchBonus": 500,
                        "phraseJoinPenalty": 0
                    "matchType": "definite",
                    "task": "Book a ticket",
                    "state": "published",
                    "foundVia": "wordMatch"
        "finalResolver": {
            "ranking": [
                    "taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646",
                    "intent": "Book a ticket",
                    "activityType": "dialog",
                    "state": "published",
                    "totalScore": 11643.33,
                    "scoring": {
                        "count": 2,
                        "score": 11643.33,
                        "botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
                        "botname": "Public APIs",
                        "activity": "Book a ticket",
                        "activityType": 1,
                        "exactcount": 2,
                        "labelsize": 2,
                        "ignorewords": 1,
                        "mask": 66306,
                        "words": {
                            "book": [
                            "ticket": [
                        "priority": 10,
                        "tense": 8192,
                        "mainRoles": 10,
                        "sentencelength": 3,
                        "ignorewordlist": {
                            "a": 1
                        "maskEntity": 66306,
                        "firstwordmatch": "book",
                        "details": {
                            "0": {
                                "1": {
                                    "labelword": "book",
                                    "inputwords": {
                                        "1": "book"
                                    "wordindex": [
                                    "foundexact": true,
                                    "bestwordindex": 1,
                                    "role": 2,
                                    "pos": 2200096997376,
                                    "tense": 8192,
                                    "ageLevel": 1,
                                    "commonness": 6
                                "2": {
                                    "labelword": "ticket",
                                    "inputwords": {
                                        "3": "ticket"
                                    "wordindex": [
                                    "foundexact": true,
                                    "bestwordindex": 3,
                                    "role": 8,
                                    "pos": 2147483680,
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                                    "ageLevel": 1,
                                    "commonness": 5
                        "hasNoun": true,
                        "hasVerb": true,
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                        "foundFmEngine": true,
                        "scoreBreakdown": {
                            "wordMatch": 500,
                            "exactWords": 60,
                            "coverage": 2000,
                            "sentenceBonus": 4000,
                            "positionBonus": 733.33,
                            "orderBonus": 100,
                            "spreadBonus": 800,
                            "roleBonus": 2900,
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                            "tasktypeBonus": 50,
                            "matchBonus": 500,
                            "phraseJoinPenalty": 0
                        "matchType": "definite",
                        "csMatch": true
                    "identifyingEngines": {
                        "fm": true
                    "csMatch": true,
                    "intentMatchVia": "wordMatch"
            "userInput": "book a ticket",
            "winningIntent": [
                    "intent": "Book a ticket",
                    "taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646",
                    "activityType": "dialog",
                    "state": "published",
                    "score": 11643.33
            "entities": []
    "streamId": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
    "streamName": "Public APIs",
    "seqLogId": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5",
    "_id": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5",
    "name": "Public APIs",
    "input": [
        "book a ticket"