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Enable and Manage SSO Configuration APIs

To execute and get results for managing an account’s SSO configurations with the following APIs:


The APIs support SAML, WSFED, and OpenID Connect protocols.

Fetch the SSO Meta API

If SSO is enabled, this API returns the existing SSO configuration along with the URLs. Otherwise, it returns only the URLs. This document covers both the scenarios.

Method GET
Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{BotID}}/ssoconfig
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}

See How to generate the JWT Token.

API Scope
  • Bot Builder: Not Applicable
  • Admin Console: User Management > SSO Configuration

Query Parameters

host The environment URL. For example, Required
BotId The Bot ID or Stream ID can be accessed under General Settings on the Bot Builder. Required
SSOProtocol The value for SSO protocol. Required

Sample Request

curl --location --request GET \
'https://{{host}}/api/public/ssoconfig?SSOProtocol=saml' \
--header 'auth: {jwt-token}' \
--header 'bot-language: {language-code}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data ''

Body Parameters

If SSO is enabled

In this case, the API provides the following meta of the configurations.

ACS IDP URL String ACS URL for IDP Initiated SAML Flow. Required
ACS SP CallBack URL String ACS URL for SP Initiated SAML Flow. Required
Method String The method used for the SSO flow. For example, SAML. Required
ssoProvider String The options include:
  • Okta
  • Others
  • OneLogin
  • Bitium
modifiedDate Date The date when the SSO configuration was modified in YYYY-MM-DD format, and Time in HH:MM:SS format. Required
modifiedBy Array of String data type. This parameter supports an array of objects. Each object in the array has the parameters that are listed below:
  • userId: The admin user’s ID.
  • firstName: The admin user’s first name.
  • lastName: The admin user’s last name.
cert String The SSO certificate.


  • This field is an array.
  • The Maximum number of values supported is two.
entryPoint String The URL of the SSO entry point. Required
Issuer String The URL of the SSO issuer. Required
samlAttributeMapping Array of Objects of String data type. This parameter supports an array of objects. Each object in the array has the mandatory parameters listed below:
  • samlAttributeName: The SAML attribute name of String data type used for SSO.
  • samlAttributeValue: The SAML attribute value of String data type used for SSO.
  • attributeType: The SAML attribute type which is either Role or Group to which an attribute is mapped.
  • koreAttribute: The Role ID or Group ID to which the SAML attribute should be mapped.

If SSO is Disabled

In this case, the API provides the following meta required to enable the app at the identity provider application.

ACS IDP URL String ACS URL for IDP Initiated SAML Flow. Required
ACS SP CallBack URL String ACS URL for SP Initiated SAML Flow. Required

Sample Response

If SSO is enabled

   "ACS_IDP_URL": "",
   "ACS_SP_CallBack_URL": "",
   "ssoConfig": {
       "method": "saml",
       "allusers": false,
       "ssoProvider": "okta",
       "modifiedDate": "2024-07-23T07:12:26.549Z",
       "modifiedBy": {
           "userId": "u-94xxxxx8-bxxb-5xx6-9xx0-06xxxxxxxxxf",
           "firstName": "pxxxxxn",
           "lastName": "`bxxxxx"
       "config": {
           "cert": [
               "{certificate ID}"
           "entryPoint": "",
           "issuer": ""
       "samlAttributeMapping": {
           "fullSynchronization": "enabled",
           "status": "active",
           "attributeMapping": [
                   "samlAttributeName": "role",
                   "samlAttributeValue": "role1",
                   "attributeType": "Role",
                   "koreAttribute": "6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxeb"

If SSO is disabled

   "ACS_IDP_URL": "",
   "ACS_SP_CallBack_URL": ""

Enable SSO API

This API enables the SSO configuration for an account.

Method POST
Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{BotID}}/ssoconfig
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}

See How to generate the JWT Token.

API Scope
  • Bot Builder: Not Applicable
  • Admin Console: User Management > SSO Configuration

Path Parameters

host The environment URL. For example, Required
BotId The Bot ID or Stream ID can be accessed under General Settings on the Bot Builder. Required

Sample Request

curl --location --request POST \
'https://{{host}}/api/public/ssoconfig' \
     --header 'auth: {jwt-token}' \
     --header 'bot-language: {language-code}' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "SSO_Authentication": "enable",
    "SSOProtocol": "saml",
    "SAML_IdentityProvider": "onelogin",
    "SingleSignOnURL": "",
    "IssuerURL": "",
    "Certificate": [
        "{certificate ID}"
    "SAMLAttributeMapping": true,
    "SyncBehaviour": "Synchronize_UpdateExisting",
    "AttributeMapping": [
            "SAMLAttribute_Name": "role",
            "SAMLAttribute_Value": "role1",
            "Attribute_Type": "Role",
            "Kore_Attribute": "667xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb"

Body Parameters

SSO Authentication String This parameter enables the overall configuration. Required
SSO Protocol String This parameter indicates the SSO protocol the admin wants to enable for the account. Required
SAML Identity Provider String This parameter defines the SAML Identity provider the admin is using to enable the SSO. Required
Single SignOn URL String The SSO URL for the account. Required
Issuer URL Date The URL of the SSO issuer. Required
certificate String The SSO certificate.


  • This field is an array.
  • The Maximum number of values supported is two.
SAML Attribute Mapping Boolean If enabled (true), SAML attribute mapping is done based on the sync behavior. Optional. If the parameter is not defined in the request body, the default value is Disabled (False).
Sync Behaviour String Includes one of the following values:
  • Synchronize_UpdateExisting: Synchronize by updating the existing SSO configuration.
  • AddNew_RetainExisting: Add a new SSO configuration by retaining the existing values.
Required if the SAMLAttributeMapping parameter is enabled.
Attribute Mapping Array of Objects of String data type. This parameter supports an array of objects. Each object in the array has the mandatory parameters listed below:
  • samlAttributeName: The SAML attribute name of String data type used for SSO.
  • samlAttributeValue: The SAML attribute value of String data type used for SSO.
  • attributeType: The SAML attribute type which is either Role or Group to which an attribute is mapped.
  • koreAttribute: The Role ID or Group ID to which the SAML attribute should be mapped.

Sample Response

   "config": {
       "cert": [
           "{certificate ID}"
       "entryPoint": "",
       "issuer": ""
   "method": "saml",
   "providername": "okta",
   "allusers": false,
   "modifiedBy": "u-9xxxxxx8-bxxb-5xx6-9xx0-06xxxxxxxxxf",
   "samlAttributeMapping": {
       "fullSynchronization": "enabled",
       "status": "active",
       "attributeMapping": [
               "samlAttributeName": "role",
               "samlAttributeValue": "role1",
               "attributeType": "Role",
               "koreAttribute": "6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxeeb"
   "name": "joxx.xx@kore.com_saml",
   "ssoProvider": "okta",
   "ACS_IDP_URL": "",
   "ACS_SP_CallBack_URL": "",

Disable SSO API

This API disables the SSO configuration for an account.

Endpoint https://{host}/API/public/ssoconfig
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}

See How to generate the JWT Token.

API Scope
  • Bot Builder: Not Applicable
  • Admin Console: User Management > SSO Configuration

Path Parameters

host The environment URL. For example, Required

Sample Request

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://{{host}}/api/public/ssoconfig' \
     --header 'auth: {jwt-token}' \
     --header 'bot-language: {language-code}' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data ''

Body Parameters

No body parameters.

Sample Response

   "message": "SSO Configuration disabled"

Update SSO API

This API updates the SSO configuration for an account.

Method POST
Endpoint https://{host}/API/public/ssoconfig
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}

See How to generate the JWT Token.

API Scope
  • Bot Builder: Not Applicable
  • Admin Console: User Management > SSO Configuration

Path Parameters

host The environment URL. For example, Required

Sample Request

curl --location 'https://{{host}}/api/public/ssoconfig' \
--header 'auth: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6ImNzLTVjNDkzYmY3LTYxYWMtNWFlZC1hMTMzLTQ0ZGE3MmU0MmNlYyJ9.4XiqSkquaGSbmmW9SK0TY1wS1E-35gHvi6ZsQYt2Umc' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
   "SSOProtocol": "saml",
   "SAML_IdentityProvider": "okta",
   "SingleSignOnURL": "",
   "IssuerURL": "",
   "Certificate": ["{{certificate ID}}"],
    "SAMLAttributeMapping": true,
   "SyncBehaviour": "Synchronize_UpdateExisting",
   "AttributeMapping": [
           "SAMLAttribute_Name": "role",
           "SAMLAttribute_Value": "role1",
           "Attribute_Type": "Role",
           "Kore_Attribute": "667d254fad30fa11a6f3eeeb"

Body Parameters

SSO Authentication String When the value is set to “update,” this parameter updates the overall configuration. Required
SSO Protocol String This parameter indicates the SSO protocol for the configuration update. Required
SAML Identity Provider String This parameter defines the SAML Identity provider the admin is using to update the SSO. Required
Single SignOn URL String The SSO URL for the account. Required
Issuer URL Date The URL of the SSO issuer. Required
certificate String The SSO certificate.


  • This field is an array.
  • The Maximum number of values supported is two.
SAML Attribute Mapping Boolean If enabled (true), SAML attribute mapping is done based on the sync behavior. Optional. If the parameter is not defined in the request body, the default value is Disabled (False).
Sync Behaviour String Includes one of the following values:
  • Synchronize_UpdateExisting: Synchronize by updating the existing SSO configuration.
  • AddNew_RetainExisting: Add a new SSO configuration by retaining the existing values.
Required if the SAMLAttributeMapping parameter is enabled.
Attribute Mapping Array of Objects of String data type. This parameter supports an array of objects. Each object in the array has the mandatory parameters listed below:
  • samlAttributeName: The SAML attribute name of String data type used for SSO.
  • samlAttributeValue: The SAML attribute value of String data type used for SSO.
  • attributeType: The SAML attribute type which is either Role or Group to which an attribute is mapped.
  • koreAttribute: The Role ID or Group ID to which the SAML attribute should be mapped.

Sample Response

   "method": "saml",
   "name": "joxxx.xx@kore.com_saml",
   "allusers": false,
   "ssoProvider": "okta",
   "modifiedDate": "2024-07-23T11:21:50.287Z",
   "modifiedBy": "u-9xxxxxx8-bxxb-5xx6-9xx0-0xxxxxxxxxxf",
   "config": {
       "cert": [
           "{cert ID}"
       "entryPoint": "",
       "issuer": ""
   "providername": "okta",
   "ACS_IDP_URL": "",
   "ACS_SP_CallBack_URL": "",
   "message": "SSO Configuration updated successfully"