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Change the Default language API

This API allows you to update the default language for an app using the botId.

Method POST
Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/1.1/public/bot/{{botId}}/defaultLanguage
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}

See [How to generate the JWT Token](../automation/

API Scope
  • App Settings: Language Management
  • Admin Console: Language Settings > Language Management

Path Parameters

Parameter Required Description
host Yes The environment URL. For example,
botId Yes Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the APP Settings page of the APP.

Sample Request

curl --location 'https://{{host}}/api/1.1/public/bot/st-5ac72231-5a37-5b71-bb1e-1be02ef0xxxx/defaultLanguage' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'auth: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6ImNzLTc5NmQ0NTUwLWFmYTItNWRlZS1hZGFhLTQ4NjhkMzJjNmRmYiJ9.y64D-jY0HsktGBggW63hk4pPbMIfqxgUH0Z4X5oxxxx' \
--data '{
"Language": "en"

Body Parameters

Parameter Description Mandate
languageCode The ISO Language code (for example, en-US for American English, es-ES for Spanish). required

Sample Response

Success Response

  "status": "success",
  "message": "Default language has been updated successfully.",
  "language code": "en-US"

Error Response

Scenario 1: If the request fails, because of the missing scope from the app.




  "message": "Permission denied. Scope is incorrect!",

 "code": 4002




Scenario 2: If the language is not even configured and the user tries to make that language the default

Error Message: 

Cannot set default language. The language '{{language code}}' is not currently configured.

Please configure the language and publish the app at least

Once before setting it as the default

Scenario 3: If the user tries to make the same language as default by mistake which is already a default language

Error Message: 

Permission denied. The language '{{language code}}' is already

set as the default language.

Scenario 4: If the user tries to change the default language which is “ disabled ”

Error Message: Unable to change the default language. The language

'{{language code}}' is currently disabled. Please enable the 

language before setting it as the default

Scenario 5: If the user has never published the app for the new language after enabling it and tries to make that language the default


"status": "Error",

 "message": "Unable to set default language. Please perform a full publish of the app, including all content for {{language code}}, before setting it as the default language. Partial publishing is not sufficient for this operation"


Scenario 6: if the code itself is wrong in the body, for example, “Language“: “ eh“ ( instead of en)

Error message: Please provide the valid language code


  • There is no rollback once the API execution is complete.
  • No publishing is required to display the default language in published mode.
  • Once the API is executed, the default language will be reflected immediately.