Batch Test Execution Status API¶
To get the status of the Batch Test Execution request against a unique ‘Request Id’ and provide the download link for the results file after the test execution is complete. Please refer to the Batch Test Execution API to learn more.
Method | GET |
Endpoint | https://{host}/api/public/bot/{botId}/testsuite/{testSuiteName}/{testRunId}/status
Content Type | application/json
Authorization | auth: {{JWT}}
API Scope |
Query Parameters¶
host | Environment URL, for example,
Required |
BotID | The Bot ID or Stream ID can be accessed under General Settings on the Bot Builder. | Required |
testSuiteName | Name of the test suite as created in the Bot’s platform that is being executed | Required |
testRunId | The unique ‘Request ID’ returned by the Batch Test Execution API to track the progress | Required |
Sample Request¶
curl --location --request GET \
'https://{host}/api/public/stream/{streamId}/testsuite/{testSuiteName}/{testRunId}/status' \
--header 'auth: {jwt-token}' \
--header 'bot-language: {language-code}'
Body Parameters¶
No body parameters are passed.
Sample Response¶
When the test execution is completed \
"_id": "tr-74d94321-35f8-5066-bdc8-a0863e7axxxx",
"streamId": "st-83a4989c-7f57-59e7-85b8-d6547a91xxxx",
"testSuiteId": "ts-cf304560-7e39-5876-ad22-8c114743xxxx",
"status": "completed",
"utterance_count": 1,
"result": {
"_id": "tr-74d94321-35f8-5066-bdc8-a0863e7axxxx",
"isPartialFailure": false,
"status": "completed",
"isAvailable": true,
"testSuiteId": "ts-cf304560-7e39-5876-ad22-8c114743893d",
"triggeredBy": "u-b6cd832d-d3c0-501f-9d94-9e4c76667e9e",
"streamId": "st-83a4989c-7f57-59e7-85b8-d6547a91xxxx",
"botLanguage": "en",
"runType": "inDevelopment",
"utterance_count": 1,
"startTime": "2023-06-26T12:07:38.405Z",
"__v": 0,
"endTime": "2023-06-26T12:09:39.518Z",
"f1_score": "0.00",
"fileId": "649980035ebd2d3b2d5c6df5",
"precision": "0.00",
"recall": "0.00",
"results": {
"TP": 0,
"TN": 0,
"FP": 0,
"FN": 0,
"success": 0,
"failure": 1,
"traitSuccess": 0,
"traitFailure": 0,
"totalEntitiesCount": 0,
"matchedEntitiesCount": 0,
"totalTraitsCount": 0,
"matchedTraitsCount": 0,
"failedUtteranceCount": 1,
"failedEntitiesCount": 0
"fileUrl": "http://hostname/api/getMediaStream/media/f-c6071507-a603-59ed-8d2b-5ec344be3696.csv?e=1689769306&n=2501205681&s=IkxtTVdUdTd4c3J6WTFaSWp0MUZHWHlaNjR5bEdmaEJPczNrdU42RHB6TWc9Ig$$&clientfilename=test1-26-06-23.csv&batchtesting=true"
When the test execution is in progress \
"_id": "tr-beaadxxb-xxxx-xxxe-axfb-xxxxcxbexdxa",
"streamId": "st-xxxxxxxx-cxxd-xcaf-xxax-dxxxxxxffxdxb",
"testSuiteId": "ts-deaxxxxc-xxxx-xxxe-axbx-bxxcxxxxfxxx",
"status": "running",
"utterance_count": 10,
"result": {
"_id": "tr-beaadxxb-xxxx-xxxe-axfb-xxxxcxbexdxa",
"isPartialFailure": false,
"status": "running",
"testSuiteId": "ts-deaxxxxc-xxxx-xxxe-axbx-bxxcxxxxfxxx",
"triggeredBy": "u-xxbdxecd-xxdx-xxex-xxxd-xxdxxxxdxxea",
"streamId": "st-xxxxxxxx-cxxd-xcaf-xxax-dxxxxxxffxdxb",
"botLanguage": "en",
"runType": "inDevelopment",
"utterance_count": 10,
"startTime": "2021-01-07T17:05:34.509Z",
"__v": 0
"totalUtterances": 10,
"utterance_ran": 5,
"percentage": 50