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Conversation summary trigger api

This API triggers a conversation summary event in the Agent AI system. It is used to send event data related to a conversation to the specified bot.

Method POST
Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/v1/public/bot/{{botId}}
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}

See How to generate the JWT Token.

Path Parameters

Parameter Required Description
host Yes The environment URL. For example,
botId Yes Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot.

Sample Request

curl --location '' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--header 'token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6ImNzLTgyODgxOTVlLTE1YzYtNThiYy04NzBlLTE5OTJmNmQxOGI4NCJ9.g5uslyya9WRcD6M0UOEjR-FUPntrcyNNwInJcX4rGvw' \

--data '{

   "conversationId": "atesta-m03shn6u1",

   "botId": "st-c04e225f-a30b-5a0a-9524-a60ebdba290e",

   "events": [


           "name": "TRIGGER_SUMMARY_EVENT",

           "data": {

               "language": "English",

               "locale": "en",

               "type": "post"






Body Parameters

Parameter Description Mandate
conversationId Unique identifier for the conversation.. Required
botId Unique identifier for the bot. Required
events List of events to be triggered. Required
eventsName Name of the event. For example, "TRIGGER_SUMMARY_EVENT". Required
eventsData Additional data for the event. Required
eventsDataLanguage The language of the event. Example: "English". Required
eventsDataLocale The locale of the event. Example: "en". Required
eventsDataType Type of the event. Example: "post". Required

Sample Response

``` { "STATUS": "OK" }