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Wallboards enhance the ability to oversee operations efficiently and effectively. Contact Center Administrators and Supervisors can create, edit, and delete the wallboards. Their fixed, high-resolution display ensures that users can access clear and consistent information, suitable for high-definition screens and full-screen viewing.

Launch Wallboard

Steps to launch the wallboard:

  1. Click the (...) icon and click Launch Wallboard. The Wallboard is displayed in a new browser tab.
    Launch Wallboard

    You can also access wallboards by going to Contact Center AI > Analytics > CONTACT CENTER > Wallboards.
    Wallboards Page

  2. The data on the dashboard is refreshed after 60 seconds. The data in the live widgets refreshes every second.
    Centerwide Wallboard

Wallboard Widgets

The following widgets on the wallboard show data related to the KPIs of the contact center for the configured time duration.

  • The wallboard name is displayed at the top of the wallboard.
    Wallboard Name

  • The top section of the wallboard shows the following widgets:
    Top Widgets

Name Live/Time based Description
Waiting Live Count of all conversations waiting in all queues.
With Agent Live Count of all conversations currently with Agents.
Longest Wait Live Duration of the longest wait of any conversation currently in a waiting state.
Overdue Live Count of all conversations currently overdue with Agents.
Handled Time-based Count of all conversations handled (completed) by the contact center.
Closed Time-based Count of all conversations closed properly by agents at the contact center.
Abandoned Time-based Count of all conversations abandoned by users in queues.
Avg. Speed To Answer (ASA) Time-based ASA of all conversations.
  • The bottom section of the wallboard shows the following data related to the queues.
    Bottom Table
Name Live/Time based Description
Queues NA Names of the configured queues.
Offered Time-based Count of all conversations offered in the queue.
Waiting Live Count of all conversations waiting in the queue.
Load Live The current load on the queue in percentage.
CSAT Time-based Average CSAT of all conversations in this queue/count of all conversations with CSAT in the queue.
Long Wait Live Duration of the longest wait by any conversation currently waiting in the queue.
Closed Time-based Count of conversations closed properly in the queue.
  • If the enable scroll text toggle is turned on, the configured text displays at the bottom of the page at the selected speed.
    Marquee Text