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Sentiment chart and realtime sentiment handling

The Sentiment chart provides real-time updates on the sentiment of a conversation. It visually tracks the sentiment trend throughout the interaction and enabling better insights into user sentiment.

The Sentiment Chart helps agents and administrators: - Monitor the tone and direction of conversations. - Identify moments of dissatisfaction or positivity. - Gain insights for better customer engagement and conversation outcomes.



  • Realtime sentiment event handling—These sentiments listen and processes real-time events. These sentiments are categorized into three types:

    • Positive
    • Neutral
    • Negative
  • Display sentiment in Assist Header—These sentiments are displayed on top of the Assist header. Each sentiment is accompanied by a specific icon for easy recognition. These sentiments are also categorized into three types:

    • Positive
    • Neutral
    • Negative
  • Interactive sentiment chart—These sentiments are displayed in the header, opens a line chart that displays how the sentiment is varied throughout the conversation, starting from the beginning to the current moment.

aaWindowInstance.on('BEFORE_VIEW_INIT', (html, payload) => {
   if(payload.event === 'SENTIMENT_POPUP_TEMPLATE'){
        // Customize sentimen template if required